How to Make an Irresistible Offer


Unlock Success with an Offer They Can’t Refuse


You know how marketing sometimes is a tough game?

And how increased competition and lower barriers to enter the market keeps making the whole thing even tougher?

Well, there’s a simple way to stand out.

And it’s a bit mind boggling that more businesses don’t spend dedicated time and energy to research, develop, and test it.

I’m talking about your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

The reason it’s so important?

It’s because… and feel free to write this down… it’s better to be different than it is to be “better”.


You’re not going to beat out all of the competition by playing the same game as everyone else.

Being “better” is a game of inches to squeeze out tiny, incremental gains.

Which unfortunately means you’ll only get little trickles of incremental profits for all of the effort.

But being different?

That’s wide open blue ocean, boys and girls.

If your USP isn’t pulling in ideal clients like a magnet, there is room for improvement. Improving your USP is the focus of today’s Deep Dive.

Deep Dive — Building An Irresistible USP

It might be useful to think of your USP as your business’s superpower…

….or your secret sauce….

….or the “X-factor” that sets you apart in the overwhelming sea of mediocrity. 

Your USP needs to communicate that special something that makes customers say, “Whoa, I’ve gotta have that!” while your competitors cry into their lukewarm coffee.

Here’s a few things to think about when it comes to your USP.

1. Be as Unique as a Unicorn Riding a T-Rex

Your USP should be unique in a way that captures the attention of the RIGHT potential customer or client. 

Where do your competitors fall short? 

What frustrations does your market have with the things they’ve tried to get the result your USP offers previously? 

Maybe most persuasive of all, does your offer deliver a unique experience? Does it deliver a unique level of status or the activation of a core desired feeling for people in your market? 

Don’t be afraid to lean hard into being different from the accepted norm for your industry.

For example, take Dollar Shave Club. They didn’t just sell razors. They sold an experience. 

Their buyers got to be part of a revolution against everything wrong with the “status quo” related to their product. 

Their USP was all about delivering high-quality razors at a fraction of the cost, with a side of humor and convenience. 

They nailed the key frustrations that quality razors were too expensive and it was a chore to always have to remember to buy more every few weeks or months. 

Plus they made it feel pretty damn cool to take cash, convenience, and control back from the “old guard” of razors. 

2. Solve Problems like a Ninja on Steroids

Your USP should address a problem or pain point that your target audience faces. 

Be their knight in shining armor, riding in with a promise to solve the problem that feels so difficult, unique, and personal to them.

You are allowed to have multiple USPs. 

Maybe you have multiple different types of people who buy your product…

….and they all buy for different reasons. 

Or maybe there are several different key use cases for your product.

You need to be aware of each main “avatar” you have and what their most urgent and important needs are. 

Dive deep into who they are, what they want, even their internal thoughts + feelings about their current situation. 

Speak to them in their language, acknowledge their current situation, and watch them start to pay attention to what you have to say.

3. Keep it Short and Sweet  (Like a Love Letter on a Post-It Note)

Your USP should be concise, memorable, and pack a punch. Your market should IMMEDIATELY know what it means without having to think about it.

My favorite example of this is Domino’s Pizza.

Remember back in the day when Pizza Hut was THE go to place for pizza delivery?

Ever wondered how Domino’s ate their lunch? 

They did it with a simple 15 word USP:

“Fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less… or it’s free.”

Now think about that for a second: 

It’s a Saturday night, but it’s a couple decades ago before the fancy apps we have today so you actually had to call a pizza place to order one. 

So you pull out the ole Yellow Pages and look up some numbers. 

You see a bunch of options for pizza delivery….and they all look about the same.

And then you see Domino’s promising you a fresh pizza in 30 mins or you don’t pay.

Pretty obvious which one you’d choose, right?

And that’s what people did. Over and over and over until they helped make Domino’s the dominant player in the pizza market today. 

4. Embrace Your Inner Rebel, Break the Rules

When it comes to your USP, don’t be afraid to defy the norms and break the rules. 

Be bold. Be daring. Challenge the status quo. 

Be the wild card. The maverick. 

Be the disruptor in a sea of conformity. 

Show the world that you’re a rebel with a cause, and you’ll attract your people to you like moths to your blazing flame.

Remember – it’s better to be different than it is to be better. I can’t stress this enough.

No business can get to the top of its market by being the same as the other businesses. By definition that can’t possibly work.

So don’t try. Be different. 

Create a USP that’s unique like you are… and use that USP to inform everything from your branding to your marketing approach.

That way lies success, my friend.

Your Starter USP Formula

I get it. It’s hard to figure out a USP. 

And it’s TWICE as hard to do for your own business. You’re so close you can’t see the wood for the trees… even though they’re right in front of you.

So I have a formula for you to tinker with, and make your own.

And please note, this won’t give you an all purpose, cookie cutter USP. I’m not a magician.

That’s the last thing you want anyway.

But this formula WILL give you a jumping off point. Something to dig into and use your own creativity and uniqueness to make it your own.

Here’s goes:

“We help ________ solve ________ by ________”

Seems simple right? The best stuff always is.

To make it work for you, you need to fill in the blanks.

Blank 1 – your audience.

Blank 2 – the problem you solve for them.

Blank 3 – the unique way you do it.

This is a great exercise because it forces you to narrow down your audience and focus on their actual problems… and that should be the main focus of any business.

Give it a shot yourself, and don’t be afraid to mess around with it and get really creative.

Once you have something you like, your job is to figure out how to communicate it as concisely and as powerfully as possible.

And no, it doesn’t have to become your main advertising slogan like it did for Domino’s… in fact, it may not be anything that your customers ever see at all. 

But if you do it right, it’ll definitely inform everything from the direction of the company to the style of your marketing and communications.

Bottom line, your USP is a big deal. 

And yeah you can make money without one… but to get the stratospheric success you’re probably looking for, you DEFINITELY need to have a USP that gives you a clear direction.

Spend 2 hours working on it today, and see your business evolve over the next 6 months as a result. 

Let your USP be the magnet that attracts your ideal customers and repels them from the competition like an invisible force field.


A Clear, Strong USP Takes The “Cringe” Out of Sales
Sales conversations will “feel” bad when there isn’t full alignment between the offer and the market’s needs. Developing your USP comes from considering the market’s needs and crafting an offer built to specifically serve those needs. Do this well and watch your sales results transform.

USP Frameworks from Geoffrey Moore & Steve Blank

Need a tried and true framework to help ideas start to flow for your USP? Steve Blank (of Business Model Canvas fame) shares a bare bones one and Geoffrey Moore (of Crossing The Chasm fame) shares one that fleshes out a few more details.

Use These “Boosters” To Juice Up Your USP

These are some great extra hooks to tack on to your main USP to help sway people towards giving your product a try. Especially in crowded marketplaces, one of these boosters might be the “tipping point” that gets people to say yes to you.

A message from Ezoic

There is a direct connection between your user experience & the revenue your website generates 

When websites provide visitors with exceptional experiences, the visitors stay longer. And they become more likely to click on, consume, and take action on the key things you want them to do on your site.

Improving user experience in ways that drive revenue growth for businesses is the mission behind everything we do at Ezoic.

With customers worldwide, Ezoic offers solutions for websites of all sizes. Gain control over your site’s revenue and maximize the performance of your website today.

Thanks for reading

The market is always evolving, so your USP should as well.

Better meeting the demands of your market is a journey, not a destination. 

No business will every truly or fully satisfy the demands of their market(s). There will always be a way to offer more value….and to capture more of that value in return.

Stay connected to the needs, desires, and frustrations of your best potential clients and pay attention to what they respond to. 

Open your ears and open your mind and you will build a stronger USP.

— The Growth Memo Team

We’d love to hear what your current USP is and the new version you’re ready to test in the market now that you have new knowledge & resources!


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