The Hand On Heart Trust Funnel 


Does Your Audience Have Trust Issues?


Your biggest barriers to selling products and services online?

Distrust & Disinterest

For most of the world, the next time they hear about you or your business will be the first time they’ll encounter you.

And even the people who do know about you….most of them have never interacted with you, your product, or your business in person.

Despite these barriers, your business needs to find a way need to convince those people to send money to it.

And those people will only do that when they trust that your business will deliver the value and results they are looking for in exchange for their dollars.

Fortunately, online marketing & sales pros have figured out ways to do this.

Today, we’re going to break down a powerful trust-winning sales funnel designed by a brand strategy expert.

Take the pieces that make sense for your business to dissolve the distrust of people in your market and help you make more sales.

Let’s get into it.


The Hand-On-Heart Trust Funnel

Brand Master Academy is an education platform that offers books, workshops and courses on brand building.

Its YouTube channel teaches branding and brand strategy techniques.

With over 79K subscribers and 2,890,498 views, it appears to be a growing sales channel for Brand Master Academy.

They funnel their YouTube traffic to the same core funnel over and over again.

You gotta see what they’re doing to help maximize the trust signals they serve to visitors of their funnel.

You probably won’t agree with all of it, but there’s gonna be at least one thing they’re doing that your site would profit from doing as well.

Funnel Breakdown

Their YouTube description says:


Our flagship training “Brand Master Secrets” — Everything you need to become an in-demand brand strategist, raise your expert profile and grow revenue in your branding business.”

Those who click the link in the description are taken to the Brand Master Academy Landing Page

The Headline Gets Right Into It

The headline offers a promise that follows up from the previous headline nicely: “Triple Your Branding Rates”.

It has almost all of the qualities any headline should have; specific, clear, succinct, direct, and desirable. And it speaks to the reader (“Your”).

The subhead describes a transformation.

It starts with the reader’s current situation. And it finishes with their desired outcome, with clear examples.

It also includes a timeline to make the promise real.

A Promise from a Trusted Source

Showing your face on camera is a powerful way to win trust.

Notice how this course seller is looking at the camera as if he’s speaking to you.

Also how he puts his hand on his heart — just as if he were making an oath when he promises the kinds of results his page and video claim they help branding businesses achieve!

Social Proof

The pop-up in the bottom left hand corner is a conversion tool from Provely. It shows sales notifications of other customers purchasing the product. It includes the customer’s name, location, and time of purchase.

It’s a powerful social proof tool used by many top online sellers.

Support Element

Consumers are afraid of not receiving their product. The chatbot in the corner gives the impression you’re purchasing from a legitimate company that you can contact.

Doesn’t Ask for the Purchase Just Yet

At this stage of the funnel, the consumer isn’t ready to buy. The CTA copy relieves purchase pressure. It simply invites you to learn more.

These trust-building copy and design elements can be used in any funnel.

They’re quick and easy to implement.

They have minimal costs, if any.

And they can have a big impact on conversions.

Try them out for an outsized ROI!


Better Monetize Your Website With Ezoic

The better of an experience your website provides to your visitors, the more your web generated revenue potential increases. Our “AI Personalization” tool will help you serve relevant, useful, and valuable experiences to your visitors. Sign up for free & see what Ezoic can do for your business.


Want OpenAI to Write Your Content in WordPress?

The website builder platform recently introduced Jetpack AI, a plugin that gives you an AI writing assistant within WordPress Editor. It’s free for a limited time only.


80% of Biz Leaders Plan Social Media Budget Increase

Sprout Social released their 2023 State of the Social Media Industry Report. It reveals how businesses plan to use social media this year and beyond.

A message from Smarter Brain


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