How to explode your newsletter growth on Twitter


Looking for somewhere to grow your newsletter? There’s a reason all of the biggest publishers promote on Twitter.

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Looking for somewhere to grow your newsletter? There’s a reason all of the biggest publishers promote on Twitter.

Ex-writer for the Hustle and owner of Newsletter Operator, Matt McGarry explains why in a recent post:

  • Twitter is a text-based platform with more people who read newsletters

  • Twitter ads have now been optimized for engagement and conversions

  • Ad impressions are cheap. Up to 5X cheaper than ads on Meta

There’s one newsletter ad in particular that’s gone viral on Twitter recently, racking up 1.4M impressions. And this isn’t the first time the ad has gone viral.

In today’s Deep Dive, we unpack the virality formula behind the ad. Plus, we unveil the conversion power behind its full signup funnel, including a 13-word signup page that gets 45% conversions, so you can learn how to skyrocket your newsletter growth.

Let’s dive in!

P.S. The ad was stolen from a previous viral ad run back in 2017. We’ll show you it at the end.


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The Newsletter Ad that Keeps Going Viral (Unpacked)

AI Tool Report is a newsletter on AI sharing the latest trends and industry updates. It has over 300,000 subscribers, including executives at Tesla, Microsoft, and Meta.


Its founder, Martin Crowley, uses his personal Twitter as its main promotional channel.


See the ad above? It has 1.4M impressions, 443 likes, 61 reposts, and 36 comments. But that isn’t the only time the ad went viral.

Martin has posted the same ad 3 times. The others getting 1.3M and 837K views.

#1 The Virality Formula

We all know the power of voice of customer (VoC) in copywriting. i.e. using the words of your audience.

The ad copy is simply a quote from a reader, with some slight modifications to power it up:

The power-up of the quote comes as it is transformed into the famous AIDA copywriting formula:

  • Attention (A)

  • Interest (I)

  • Desire (D)

  • Action (A)

With the action presented at the bottom of the post.


My boss thinks I’m an AI genius” – this shows the outcome of using the product. 

Other people thinking you’re a genius is the promise most of the top newsletters, including the Morning Brew, use in their marketing because it targets the transformation the reader goes through when reading the newsletter.


(I’m not) it’s because I read The AI Tool Report” – this overcomes an objection to the promised transformation that not all of us are geniuses.

Then it presents the newsletter as the mechanism that overcomes that objection.


(and they have no idea it exists)” – Knowledge is nice to have. But secret knowledge is enticingly desirable.


Below the ad image is a clear promise-based call to action (CTA).

#1 How to use the AIDA copywriting formula: begin with a transformational promise, overcome an objection, present your newsletter as the transformation mechanism, and finish with a desire.

# 2 The Ultimate Lead Magnet

As far as lead magnets go, few are more desirable than cheat sheets. They satisfy all of our 3 core desires: to get things faster, cheaper, and easier.

The prompts are shown bigger than everything else because most people struggle with prompting and they’re familiar with what it is.

The secondary elements, the “Key Terms” and “Key Features”, probably won’t be read by most of the audience. They mainly serve to make the cheat sheet look more robust.

Another version of the ad with a prompting calendar wasn’t as hot:

This is likely because a calendar illustrates work and AI is supposed to be a tool that reduces work. So it’s missing the “faster” and “easier” desirability factors.

#2 How to choose your lead magnet: see what others in your newsletter category are offering. Provide something that is free, makes your target reader’s life easier, and gets them a result faster.

# 3 The 45% Conversion Rate SignUp Page

The short size and format of newsletter signup pages requires some specialist conversion elements.

The AI Tool Report signup page has a number of strong elements:

  • Numbers to communicate the value (green and blue)

  • Social proof (blue and orange)

  • Transformation (red)

MilkRoad added the same elements to its signup page and increased conversions to 45%:

#3 How to structure your newsletter signup page for maximum conversions: use your newsletter’s promise as the headline, expand on the promise in the subheadline, and use numbers for social proof and to highlight the “ease” of getting the promise.

[BONUS] A Secret Martin Probably Doesn’t Want You to Know About…

Recognize the copy in the ad below?:

Matt McGarry who used to write for the Hustle said this was its best-performing ad.

From one ad account channeling millions of dollars in ad spend,the ad above drove 80% of conversions!

The ad remained unbeaten for 4 years. And, as we’ve seen, is being used by newsletter brands in 2023 to explode newsletter growth.

How did you find today’s Deep Dive? Let us know in the survey below 👇

See you in a few days!



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Big Fish in a Small Pond or Drowning Fish?

Our whole lives, we’re told to stand in line and conform. But in business, if you don’t stand out, you will fail. If you’ve been hedging your bets trying to please everyone, then it might be time for you to niche down and be different. After helping 1,000’s of people turn what they love into a business, 3X author John Williams has identified the 2 uncomplicated steps to becoming a big fish in your very own small pond.

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