Trick to boost conversions on multiple channels at once


Think remarketing is the best way to convert? What if you’re remarketing to an unqualified audience?

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Think remarketing is the best way to convert? What if you’re remarketing to an unqualified audience?

Well, there is a way to “layer” into your audience to target just the high-converters, which saves wasted budget on low-quality audiences.

In today’s Deep Dive, we explore how an ads agency used this strategy to:  

  • Increase deals closed from calls booked by 10%

  • Reduce cost per conversion by 40%

  • Increase conversions 10%

All without adding a single dollar to their campaign budget.

Let’s dive in!

P.S. This agency says it’s “the best in the USA”… ok Mr. Hypeman, let’s see if you deserve that title!


How To Accelerate Growth & Success….Without Burning Out Ever Again!

Do you ever feel trapped by what you’ve built in your life and business?

You know you want to get to the next level…..

….but you feel like you’d hit your breaking point if you took on any more work or responsibility.

What you need is a proven technique for dealing with chronic stress, overwhelm, and burnout.

And in this free masterclass, David & Rachel Godfrey share that technique with you so that you can confidently drive towards your next level of growth.



10% Increase In Conversions For $0 With “Layered” Retargeting

Impactable is a growth-focused ads agency. And like most agencies, they don’t like to waste effort and money on campaigns that don’t ROI.

While optimizing their LinkedIn B2B ads they invented the “layered” retargeting strategy that boosted ROI, but not just on their LinkedIn campaigns…

They were also able to bid more competitively on Google Ads and got:

  • 25% more call bookings via Google and an increase in call show-up rates

  • 10% boost to booked calls self-attributed as “organic or social.”

  • 40% reduction in cost per conversion (to booked call or purchase made) from Google Ads

How to boost conversions on multiple channels at once

In LinkedIn, the “layered” retargeting strategy works like this:

  1. Install LinkedIn’s Insight Tag

  2. Set up LinkedIn retargeting audiences

  3. Create your retargeting campaigns on LinkedIn

  4. Add the retargeting audience you’ve created

  5. Filter your audience categories for qualified audiences

  6. Set up multiple campaigns targeting different audience segments

  7. Turn both LinkedIn Audience Network and Audience Expansion off

  8. Optimize your targeting frequency.

Read on if you want to see how this strategy helped Impactful to get more clients AND reduce acquisition costs…

How The “Best Ads Agency In the US” Does Advertizing

LinkedIn allows you to retarget traffic from any source. And it lets you narrow in on:

  • Company size (so you know they have the budget)

  • Seniority level (so you know they have decision power)

  • Industry (so you know they’re a match for your services)

But beware!… multiple channels will try to take credit for attribution. To overcome this, try setting channel attribution and self-attribution by asking prospects how they discovered you.

How to Do “Layered” Retargeting for Multi-Channel ROI Boosting

(Image: CXL Institute)

  1. Install LinkedIn’s Insight Tag on the website

  2. Set up LinkedIn retargeting audiences to start collecting user data

  3. Create your retargeting ad campaign on LinkedIn

  4. Add the retargeting audience you’ve created. Then, use LinkedIn’s native filters (geography, seniority, company size, job function, etc.) to filter and qualify your website traffic

  5. You may want to set up multiple campaigns targeting different segments of your audience with content relevant to them

  6. Set up your campaign settings. To focus on this warm, qualified audience, turn off both the LinkedIn Audience Network and Audience Expansion

  7. Test your ads frequency to optimize how often you show ads and prevent “ad fatigue”

If the frequency is too low, you aren’t saturating the audience enough to make a difference.

If the frequency is too high, you waste ad spend and see diminishing returns quickly due to ad fatigue.

You can control frequency by controlling your audience size and/or budget.

Impactful’s recommended frequencies are:

  • 3+ per 7–day window

  • 7–10 per 30–day window

  • 15–20 per 90–day window

But What About The Cookie Clampdown?

Well, there is that… but the marketing industry isn’t reacting as you might have expected.

It’s taken a pivot towards harnessing first-party user data to serve ads across nearly every channel. Which has made the industry healthier than ever.

It was worth $2.9BN in 2021 and is expected to grow at a 15% CAGR for the rest of the decade!

Likely because of the increased usage of cloud-based software and social media.

1 in 5 Marketers Have a Retargeting Budget

And 50% of marketers also say they plan on investing more in retargeting over the next 6 months.

But few retarget using LinkedIn. In fact, it’s the least used out of the top social media platforms for retargeting campaigns. So this really is your untapped growth market!

Especially since LinkedIn audiences have 2X the buying power of normal website audiences and are 6X more likely to convert, according to LinkedIn.

So to generate the maximum ROI from the expensive clicks you’re getting on your Google Ads campaigns…

Or if you want to provide a new effective service for your clients, then try out the “layered” LinkedIn retargeting strategy today.

As for Impactful… we might not be able to say if they’re “the best” or not, but we’ll give them this one.

Thank you for reading today’s Deep Dive! 

We hope you enjoyed it.

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from CXL Institute.

See Impactful’s Full 6-Month Retargeting Framewor


10X ROAS On First Ever FB Ads Campaign: Beginner’s Luck? Or Strategy?

Pro marketers, you’ll know this… Watch this brand’s Facebook Ads campaign that generated a 10X return on ad spend and decide whether it was luck or a well-executed advertising strategy.

Do Display Ads Make Your Site Worse Or Better?

Display ads can passively monetize your site. But the ads have to be right for the users. Ezoic’s smart ad placements show ads that make users feel like your site knows them. Tap the link above to see how you can monetize your site while giving your site visitors a personalized experience.*

What Are the Best Types of Ads For LinkedIn Retargeting?

According to Impactful, the simple answer is layered ads. They recommend running 10-12 campaigns to the same audience. Instead of funneling down and presenting one ad to a segment of your audience, try various creatives; rotate ads evenly to expose your prospects to many angles. Single-image ads tend to perform best, but try to use them in different ways.

21+ Retargeting Statistics You Should Know for 2023

Brands need user data to run retargeted campaigns. The good news for marketers is that 29% of users have a neutral attitude toward retargeting ads, while 17% say they’re unconcerned. Since retargeted users are 8X cheaper to reach than first-timers, the 1 in 5 marketers who have a dedicated retargeting budget are in for a high-profit windfall.


Hosting webinars but feeling like they’re missing something?

The online business world is evolving rapidly.

And what you don’t know can be losing you both attendees and revenue.

These days, live events and webinars run with little to no attendance.

To help marketers and founders get more attendees, Roezan (a team that’s done over $30,000,000 in sales on webinars)….

… created a free Guide: How To Maximise Webinar Attendance.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • The almost-neglected tweak that could dramatically boost your attendance.

  • A retargeting method that’s silently outperforming everything else.

  • The practically $0 alteration on your ‘Thank You’ page that has experts buzzing.

  • The unspoken incentives driving global audiences to live calls.

  • How top-tier online businesses are ensuring active participation before, during, and after webinars.

  • And more…

Follow the guide, keep your attendance HIGH, and generate a greater ROI.


Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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