Unlock the power of “social-led” marketing for astronomical growth


Unlock the power of “social-led” marketing for astronomical growth

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Why do some creators and brands go mega on social media, while others scrape the bottom of the barrel for comments and likes?

Deutsch LA ad agency just won the ‘Best Use Of TikTok’ award at the 2023 Ad Age A-List Awards. Its Chief Creative Officer revealed what it now takes to be a massive success on social media…

And he said there’s an ‘expectation gap’ between personal and business brands, and their audiences.

The brands are sharing one thing… while their audiences are expecting another.

In today’s Deep Dive, we reveal the award-winning agency’s secret to closing this gap and building a mega fanbase in 2024 and beyond.

(Spoiler alert* — It used to be enough to respond to comments. Now audiences want something extra…)

Let’s dive in!… ⬇️


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The Secret To Building A Mega Fanbase In 2024

Long gone are the days of TV ads where you presented to a static audience.

When you put out a social media campaign, it’s no longer just yours. You’re not building on your own campaign — people are building on it and you’re participating in the collaboration.

It’s a collaborative interaction. 

Consumers are closer to brands than ever before. In fact, DMs from consumers to brands shot up 45% from last year. 

But how we keep that connection is changing…

Don’t Always “Follow the Audience”

Up until now, it’s been enough to respond to comments and engage with your audience to keep your brand in the game. But that strategy is quickly becoming insufficient…

The Creative Chief Officer of Deutsch LA warned that marketers must involve their audiences in the creative process when building campaigns.

Think “socially-led” insight, not “commercially-led.”

Follow What The Audience Follows

The chart below shows what your audience cares about more than you:

(Image: Hubspot social issues for consumers chart)

42% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy a product based on the brand’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, up 17% from last year. 

Audiences expect more from you.

49% of U.S. adults say brands should do more regarding social advocacy. 

If you can talk on social topics (and they don’t have to be controversial. Though if they are, that’s better), you can push your brand ahead of 90% of others.

You may lose some people, but you’ll gain a lot more love and respect from your followers. And this will turn into much higher ROI than if you try to appeal to everybody.

Example in the wild 🦁

(Image: Codie Sanchez says the American dream is dead )

Codie Sanchez’s “America 2.0” video got 434.3K views on TikTok.

She talked about the American societal struggles for low-wage earners. She took a strong stance on the side of those who care about income inequality.

She’s talking about a topic people can get involved in. She’s not talking about her solution, she’s talking about her philosophy on her area of expertise.

The ‘Best Use Of TikTok’ Award-Winner’s 4 Tips For TikTok Growth Are So Simple, Few People Do Them

1. Spend time on the platform

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” — Pablo Picasso

TikTokers to watch:

  • Codie Sanchez (@codiesanchez)

Stands for empowering youth, stands against American governmental policies [INCOME INEQUALITY]

  • Iman Gadzhi (@realimangadzhi)

Stands for empowering the underpriveledged, stands against the traditional education system [INCOME INEQUALITY]

  • Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee)

Stands for giving everyone an inclusive chance at living their dreams, stands against people telling others how to live


2. Know what TikTok wants

TikTok has 2 big expectations of you:

  1. Spark joy in one of the core creative pillars: Community, sound, co-creation and entertainment

  2. Have cultural or commercial impact

3. Step into your audience

Be an active member of the community before you start co-creating. Follow people and engage in comments. Get a feel for the social environment.

4. Perform as a character

Understand your brand as a character in a collaborative performance. If you know who you are, you know how to behave with your audience.

If You Can’t Be the Creator, Hire Them

Nobody knows platforms better than the creators. They can get optimized content out for you quickly, so you can scale faster and easier.

Give a creator you trust creative freedom. Even if you disagree with their strategy, they might know something you don’t.

However you decide to launch on TikTok, bring more than your ‘solution.’

Take a stance. Step into your audience. Talk with them about it.

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from TikTok.


6 Stressors Unique To 7-Figure Business Owners that Cause Burnout  When you step up to 7-figure success, you’re at a whole new level. You’re in a unique position where your business can feel like a runaway train at times. There are 6 stressors acting on you, like the “big enough, small enough” dilemma, the “certainty bias,” and the “no safety net” position. There’s just 1 thing stopping you from getting through them all. And despite what “gurus” might tell you, you’re not to blame. The answer lies in the subconscious “blind spots” tugging you back.

Hubspot Users Are About to Get Access to Data on Millions of Businesses

  On Wednesday 1st November, HubSpot announced it’s acquiring B2B data provider ClearBit, giving its users access to third-party company data from millions of businesses. Included in the acquisition is ClearBit’s 400,0000+ users and more than 1,500 business customers. Terms of the deal have not yet been announced. ClearBit was valued at $250 million as of January 2019, according to data from Pitchbook.

Facebook About to Offer Ad-Free Paid Version in November  This month, for the first time, Meta will also put a monthly price on privacy. Right now for people in Europe that price is €9.99 ($10.50), or €12.99 if they sign up on their phones. Meta will roll out the new ad-free subscription option in the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland on an unspecified date in November.

Salesforce Integrates with TikTok  TikTok’s new integration with Salesforce will enable TikTok advertisers to easily transfer the leads generated by their marketing campaigns directly to Salesforce. Lead info will be transferred to TikTok in real time, enabling rapid response based on engagement. Sales and marketing teams will also be able to respond to leads via Salesforce Marketing Cloud, allowing for immediate follow-up. The new integration will be available on Salesforce’s AppExchange marketplace.

 4 Things To Accelerate Growth:

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How An Ex-Navy Nuclear Operator “Commands” AI To Do Stuff He Doesn’t Want To Do

After his time in the Navy, Alfredo managed social media at a 7-figure agency. When AI came out, he went into “military mode” and locked himself in his basement with only basic needs and ChatGPT. He raced past his employees who were still doing things the “old way.” He took on 2 more clients and had more free time than before. Within months, he went from bottom-of-the-ladder new hire to the well-respected “AI guy” in his office — all only using 3 “Navy Commands.”

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Bridge the “Expectation Gap”

This goes for anywhere you post content.

To really connect with your audience, design your content for the mentality of users when they’re on the channel. 

This will make your content way more impactful than if you just design it for the channel format.

Think of each channel as its own country with its own culture, rules, and expectations.

Bridge the expectation gap by doing more than dressing like the locals. Learn the language. Speak to the people. And you’ll fit right in.

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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