Want profitable YouTube Ads easily? (try this)


Think you need a Hollywood production team, Venture Capital, and Japanese cartoon-level excitement to launch YouTube ads? (not so).

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Think you need a Hollywood production team, Venture Capital, and Japanese cartoon-level excitement to launch YouTube ads? (not so).

There’s a way to launch a solid test to see if your service, course or info product will take off on the platform.

And it’s worth doing. YouTube leads are more expensive than Facebook, but they tend to convert more for higher ROAS.

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ve got a “lazy person’s” guide to testing YouTube ads on a low budget. And you don’t even need to get on camera.

Let’s dive in! ⬇

P.S. This isn’t a cookie-cutter “how-to” for beginners. It’s a proven strategy from a YouTube ads pro who’s spent over $100M creating, testing and scaling profitable YT ads…

So if you’re already doing YT ads, you might just learn something that’ll bump up your ROAS.


Billionaires wanted it…

….but 54,578 everyday investors got it first

… and profited 

When incredibly rare and valuable assets come up for sale, it’s typically the wealthiest people that end up taking home an amazing investment. 

But not always..

One platform is taking on the billionaires at their own game, buying up and fractionalizing some of history’s most prized blue-chip artworks for its investors. 

In just the last few years, its investors have realized annualized net returns of 17.8%, 21.5%, 35% and more from these opportunities. 

It’s called Masterworks. Their nearly $1 billion collection includes works by greats like Banksy, Picasso, and Basquiat, all of which are collectively owned by everyday investors. 

When Masterworks sells a painting – like the 16 it’s already sold – investors reap their portion of the profits. 

It’s easy to get started but offerings can sell out in minutes. 

However, as a trusted partner, Growth Memo readers can… 

NOTE: Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures masterworks.com/cd


(Image: YouTube ad revenue increasing year over year, per Statista

The Lazy Way To YouTube Ads (At Scale, In Any Niche)

YouTube advertising revenue continues to grow. And it’s because, well, YouTube ads continue to make hefty profits.

We wanted to give you an opportunity to get in on this profit goldmine. 

So we enlisted the expertise of the low-key YouTube ads scientist Dr. Brandon Kinney. He’s spent over $100M testing and validating profitable YouTube models in his marketing lab.

And he’s been kind enough to let us peek at his chalkboard revealing his most profitable models.

So gather around and let’s learn!

90% Of Your Marketing Success Comes From This 10% Piece

Almost all of the greatest marketers say that up to 90% of your marketing, offer and even business success comes from your lead.

This is your hook or headline that grabs your prospects by the eyeballs. There are 3 types:

  1. Call out the audience — This is the best hook. It also works really well on Facebook.

  2. How to do X — How to get the desirable result.

  3. Question — Are you suffering from this problem? Or do you want this reward?

3 Judo Grips To Keep Tight Hold Of Your Prospect’s Eyeballs

Your lead gets your audience’s attention, while your video script keeps it.

You’ve likely seen successful YouTubers using one of these three proven scripts. The one that’s right for you depends on your product, market and audience.

1) The mini Gary Halbert:

  1. Hook

  2. Introduce a poor alternative to the solution your consumer is considering (not necessarily competitors)

  3. Emphasize the poorness of the alternative

  4. Introduce your solution + its benefits

  5. Overcome objection

  6. Tell them what to do next

  7. Remind them what to do next, and why NOW

2) Throw rocks at the enemy (competitor or status quo):

  1. Hook

  2. Why enemy, competitor or status quo is bad or wrong

  3. Why they’re worse than what you originally thought

  4. Introduce solution + benefits

  5. Overcome objection

  6. Tell them what to do next

  7. Remind them what to do next, and why NOW

3) Flip the script (for mid- to bottom-funnel audience):

  1. Hook (tease the benefit of your solution. High-awareness/retargeting audience)

  2. Overcome objection

  3. Overcome another objection

  4. Present the unique mechanism of your opportunity

  5. Benefit

  6. Objection response

  7. Tell them what to do next

The best thing is when you write out one of these scripts, you don’t just get one video…

The “101 Dalmations” Effect: How To Breed Multiple Ads From One Script

Take your script and create 2-3 different hooks to lead into the message and test them.

Test hooks targeted at different audience segments to see which are most profitable.

Wouldn’t you want to know whether these videos will be profitable before pumping a load of capital into it?…

You can start with 10 videos shot by an ex-TV actor or actress for just $100…

The QVC Method To Launch YouTube Ads (Quick, Very Easy & Cheap)

Now that you’ve got your hook and script, you can create your YouTube audience.

🧑 Choose your audience: Use Google “Custom intent audiences” and target Google search keywords relevant to your brand or product.

🎁 Pick or create your lead magnets: PDFs, reports, webinars and free trainings do best on YouTube. Test different formats, e.g. video, text and audio.

🎥 Shoot (or don’t shoot) videos: Recent iPhones and Samsungs shoot high-quality footage. If you don’t want to be on camera, you can hire an actor who’s appeared on home shopping network TV ads for <$100 on backstage.com 

💡 Pro tip: Hire an actor who looks like your target audience for maximum conversions.

🧑‍💻 Edit: A Fiverr editor will do for now. You can invest in B-roll when your ads are profitable.

It’s really that simple.

If You Hit These Numbers, Invest In Growth

Some numbers to bear in mind:

  • Make the video ads 2-3 mins long (under 30 secs and YT will charge you for impressions, which is more expensive than clicks)

  • Aim for $1-$2 CPC

  • Aim for 1-2 CTR

Spend a few thousand dollars over a month or two to see if you get any results. Then invest in improving creative and production quality on your winning ads to beat them and scale.

Good luck!

Today’s Deep Dive content was inspired by YouTube ads pro, Brandon Kinney. He’s spent over $100M on YouTube ads and is a high-demand consultant for top brands.


Looking To Refine Your Claims & Messaging? 

Conjointly makes it easier than ever to comprehensively rate, rank and identify winning product claims. Set your products up for success by determining which claims your customers like/dislike, which combination maximizes appeal, which drive increased price perception & more! Test your messaging now.

Tired Of Doing The Boring Business Tasks You “Should” Be Doing?

Honestly, most business tasks are a waste of your time. Want to get back to the exciting stuff and scale faster? Here’s how…


Google Update: Search Now Connects Questions To People

Google Notes is a new experiment that shows people’s comments on content in search results… Read more.

Want To Try Today’s Strategy On YouTube Shorts?

Hubspot’s 5-minute walkthrough is a solid step-by-step… Watch now.

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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