More Impact, More Profit, More Freedom


Because it’s just us here right now, I think it’s safe to admit to you why we believe we’ve gravitated towards careers in leadinggrowingoperating, & marketing online businesses….



Because it’s just us here right now, I think it’s safe to admit to you why we believe we’ve gravitated towards careers in leadinggrowingoperating, & marketing online businesses….

It presents a unique opportunity to potentially be able to experience a lot of Freedom and have a lot of Impact on others.

Many people have a lot of freedom….but at the cost of having a smaller impact.

And many people have significant reach, influence, & impact….yet feel like they are trapped with no freedom.

But when you have the opportunity to experience both Freedom + Impact? 

It’s rocket-fuel for your life that ignites your soul.

Today’s deep dive will go into some reasons why your income, freedom, and impact could be capped below your potential…..

Let’s dive in ⬇️


Your 7+ Figure Personal Brand

The power of a Personal Brand should not be underestimated. 

With a strong, growing personal brand your reach and your reputation will begin to create their own momentum. 

Do it right and you can build a business & life that’s nearly impossible to have otherwise…

  • 80% profit margins

  • Business Opportunities you’d never have otherwise

  • Meeting the most amazing people in your industry (and beyond!)

  • The ability to find the best people for your team

  • Being seen & appreciated for the value you bring

Heck… I even found my Wife because of my personal brand  😀

Curious to explore 1+ of these benefits for your business?

Learn More About My New “Personal Brand Intensive” →


Step 1:
Sustainable Vision, Purpose, & Business Model

We get so involved with the day to day hustle that we don’t take time to step back and question how sustainable the current business is…

and how sustainable it is for you to remain in your current role(s) within the business if the company is going to reach its goals.

Beyond the actual activities you perform on behalf of the business — does your work give you energy in return, or is it usually a drain on your energy?

If there is a lack of vision or purpose, it is only a matter of time before you get burnt out or move on to something else.

Regardless of how you feel today about your business and your role(s) in it, there likely are ways to move in the right direction by finding ways to delegate, automate, simplify, or eliminate things you find to be low value and draining.

Find ways to justify the cost to the company to better support you by using the freed up time to generate more value than that cost. 

The goal? 

To bring you more FREEDOM to direct your time & energy to higher value things.

Everything look sustainable and scalable? Great! Now there is one quick ‘mindset’ thing to check into. We’ll share that after the break….


Step 2:
Clarify & Amplify Your Experience of Freedom 

Whenever you hear someone deny themselves more money or deny themselves opportunities to reclaim more of their time….

…what they’re really saying is that they don’t want any more of the responsibility that comes with more FREEDOM.

Freedom scares most of us on some level.


When we have freedom, we can be whoever we want & do whatever we want.

It can be a lot to take on greater responsibility for how you direct your self & the results you experience in your life

Maybe there are some fears that the people around you today won’t like you so much anymore if you start making different choices

Fears like these will stop you from getting to your next level in performance & success. 

Have an intentional plan for what you will do as you reclaim more time and freedom to set off an upward spiral of doing more & more things that are both valuable and true to your heart. 

If you seek to utilize your freedom to do & be more….

don’t be surprised if you continue to gain more & more freedom.


Step 3:
Evergreen Marketing & Sales Results

If your business’ revenue relies on referrals and your network….

…the company is playing a game that gets riskier and riskier the larger it grows. 

If you are taking all the sales calls, making 1-to-1 offers, chasing down past leads, and creating new outbound opportunities….

….the company is always going to be stuck on The 6-Figure Hamster Wheel.

If you’re trying to get to ~$20k / mo or so, that can work. Once you start to get beyond the low 6-figures, it becomes a serious bottleneck.

Wherever you are at now, it is worth investing into some ways to generate leads that does not involve the time of a key person in the company.

Even if it is paying Meta a handful of bucks per lead for a handful of leads each day….

….or hiring a VA to do outbound messaging for 1 – 2 hours a day….

The company needs to have the ability to generate quality leads that does not require direct involvement from you in order to generate each one. 

Even something simple like a landing page for a guide or video (or a bit more involved like an evergreen webinar or masterclass) is a great way to have an evergreen & automated way to generate leads whenever they are ready to enter your funnel. 

Following up with leads can be done via marketing automation tools as well as through a VA or a Sales Setter of some sort.

In many cases, sales may be able to be done fully via asynchronous chat (email, text, IG / FB messenger, LinkedIN, etc). 

In others, a sales call still needs to happen and the async part can help to qualify the lead & increase their anticipation of value from the call.

No matter what you choose to do, do it with future scale in mind. 

If revenue depends on you, there is a clear cap on growth potential (not to mention a significant amount of risk). 

If you want more revenue, more profit, more freedom, & more impact — it starts with giving more freedom to the key people in the company to engage in high value, high leverage, long term activities instead of always stuck in the immediate, short term, and the urgent.


Unsustainable & Chaotic Business Systems Limit & Kill Online Companies

If scale is a struggle and everything feels like it is harder than it should be in your business, you need to see this free guide from SystemsUp

Discover The Top 10 ‘System Failure Points’ For Your Business


Want to See Past Issues of the Growth Memo?

Check out our web archive for a catalog of recent issues!


The #1 Newsletter For Ecommerce Store Owners & Operators

Once each week, the latest news, tips, tools, and “successful store breakdowns” gets sent out by The Early Checkout.  Run an Ecomm Store? You Need The Early Checkout


This SMART Process Doubles Your Email Open & Click Rates  👀

While most marketers gravitate towards how to create better subject lines and calls to action….

…they’re missing out on the lowest hanging fruit for how to improve email marketing performance.

Learn the simple 5-Step SMART Process to help you permanently fix low open rates from the emails you send. 

The process is revealed and broken down for free in EmailSmart’s latest guide.

Download The EmailSmart Guide + 2X Your Email Results  →

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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