Use these to grow your business’ market share


While there are always going to be exceptions, we feel it is safe to say there is a very high chance that you — right now —  are looking to improve the results …



While there are always going to be exceptions, we feel it is safe to say there is a very high chance that you — right now —  are looking to improve the results of:

(1) A Corporate Brand


(2) A Personal Brand

Today’s deep dive will show you how to you can better define, strategize, execute, and communicate from both of these types of brands. 

The goal?

Increase the speed & the quantity in which you attract new customers from your most ideal market segment(s)

Let’s dive in ⬇️


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Part 1:
Clarifying & Strengthening A Corporate Brand

Both Corporate brands and Personal brands have their limitations.

As a result, we’ve seen businesses (both big and small) try to accomplish “too much” with just one type of brand. 

We believe the place to start is here with the Corporate brand because attention doesn’t mean anything if you are not equipped to convert it into new revenue streams. 

What is a corporate brand?

It is a combination of everything that you use to differentiate your offer(s). 

It could be your unique process or promise. 
It could be based on brand position and status. 
It could be based on shared identity, mission, vision, or values.

Those are the elements that you can control. Beyond those are elements you can influence like the customer experience & the amount of feedback you receive on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, et al

If you can’t clearly articulate the unique value(s) of your offer(s)  —  you are going to sound like every other business out there.

Dig deeper to discover and define why your offer is the best solution for some specific segment or segments of the market.

Pro Tip:
If you aren’t sure where to start, begin to analyzing the customers who had the most success, who paid you the most over their lifetime, and who you most enjoyed doing business with. 

Analyze that set of customers or clients to see what similarities they shared. 

Ask yourself how you can evolve your messaging and branding to attract more people like them. 

(And while you’re at it — reach out to talk to these best customers for a testimonial quote, for new work, or for a referral!)

Part 2:
Attracting Attention Through A Personal Brand

When the Corporate brand is dialed in…

You have the green light to empower as many real human Personal brands to bring some attention to the company and its offer(s).

Often there is 1+ founder or executive who is at least a semi-consistent public face for the company to help establish things like:

– In-House Expertise, Demonstration, & Thought Leadership
– Personality, Style, and Culture of the Business
– Point of View & Contribution to Overall “In-Market” Community Discourse

See the difference?

The Corporate brand is about the “jobs” the business offers to solve & why they should be hired over every other candidate who could do the job.

The Personal brand is about reach and relevance so that the Corporate brand can get in front of more people who are in-market. 

Combine the two of them well and you’ll find yourself on the fast path to gaining more market share.


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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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