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over 50k high level marketers & Entrepreneurs

In Partnership
with Funnelytics:

What is The Growth Memo?

Today, The Growth Memo is a newsletter that goes out twice a week that is specifically designed for high-level marketers and business owners. 

If you have a great product or service for our audience, we invite you to be part of The Growth Memo community as a sponsor and partner, which will allow you to get in front of a highly sought after audience and bring your business & brand in front of your most ideal customers. 

We all know it’s not exactly “easy” to get in front of the *real* marketers & business owners out there… 

Not the ones showing off on social media, but rather, the ones who are actually making things happen and building real companies. 

The Entrepreneurs and the CMO’s and the “intrapreneurs” who are making the moves…

The truth is that they’re too busy doing the work…

….and that makes them hard to find & their attention scarce.

Another truth is that these kinds of people are some of the most valuable leads you can find for your business.

They are most likely going to be “lifers” in business. Even if they exit big and don’t start a new business themselves, they are going to invest and advise.

The vendors they can trust to consistently bring value, ROI, and a positive experience will win them as a loyal client who will buy from them again and again (for years to come). 

That can only become a reality for your business IF you are not “just” able to reach them…

But to reach them with a message that is able to break through the noise of everything else going on in their business & their life.

It is not easy to do. If it was, marketing would be a cinch. 

And it is why we created the media brand The Growth Memo. We created it in partnership with Funnelytics, one of the top marketing software companies in the world. 

Because of this, our media brand started with an audience in the tens of thousands & with the trust built over years through a great product that has helped entrepreneurs and marketers to reliably grow their businesses.

Core Stats of Our Audience

List Size: 49,600

We only keep those who engage within 90 days on the lists.

Growth Rate:

 7,000 subscribers/mo

Growth is generated by paid advertising and partnerships that are oriented towards marketers.



 Partnership Opportunities


$4,500/ 1 Month

1 Native Ad 

1 Column Article  

6 Sponsored Links

Get started


$12,500/ 1 - 3 Months

4 Native Ads 

4 Column Articles  

12 Sponsored Links

Get started


$25,000/  3 to 6 Months

Deep Strategy, Planning around Marketing, Messaging and Success

Get started

6 Native Ads

6 Column Articles

12 Sponsored Links

1 Deep Dive

4 P.S at the bottom of the emails


$50,000/  3 - 12 Months

Deep Strategy, Planning around Marketing, Messaging and Success  

6 In Partnership Premium Native Ads

12 Native Ads

12 Columns

24 Sponsored Links

3 Deep Dives

Get started

3 Deep Dives

Included on our Thank You Page & Warm Up Sequence allowing you to promote your funnel or free offer for 3 months

Definition List:

We want to ensure you’re fully clear on exactly what we’re offering when we speak about what it is you receive. 

Native Ad 

A Native ad is an image, link and 250 words inside of an email. This generally best used for a call to action that leads to a funnel or something of value and we do our best to tie it into what’s existing inside of the email already for relevancy. 

Column Ad

A column ad, is an article that is co-written with you and published on our parent site: www.onlinebusiness

owner.com this article is then both indexed forever on Online Business Owner as well as sent via the email, giving you a higher level of authority. 

Sponsored Link

Inside of our newsletters we provide sponsored links, these are links to valuable things that are placed with other valuable links. 

Deep Dive

A deep dive is a solo email that is sent about you or your thing. It provides no other advertising and generally promotes a specific thing in a value-focused way such as a challenge, live event, training or webinar. 

These drive the most attention, awareness, and leads. 

Co-Hosted Live Virtual Event 

In this, we will co-host a virtual webinar or training with you and help you bring people to the event. We will introduce you and at the end give you the list of people who signed up so you can follow up and add them to your email list and audience. 


We will add you to the end of an email as a P.S, which generate massive R.O.I as most people scroll to the bottom. 

Partnership Premium Native Ads

These native ads are longer, there is only one that appear inside of a single issue and generally there are multiple placements. 

Retargeting Abilities 

This allows you to have us share our pixel, which allows you to retarget our entire warm audience and email list.




Open Rate: 62%

 CTR: 0.9% 

Here’s How To Get Started




Complete the form below to give us some info about you, your business, & your goals.

We’ll reach out within 1 - 3 days to share more about partnering with Growth Memo.

Once agreed, we will onboard you & set up your campaign.


We actively work with you before, during, and after your placements have run to evaluate success and ensure your highest R.O.I possible along the way.

When can we start?

Our earliest availability for your ads and/or content is fluid. We media plan partners’ placements into our calendar as they come in. The sooner you are ready, the sooner you’ll get booked in & get the ball rolling for your ad placements.

Once you are ready to move forward in partnership with us, we will mutually sign your agreement, collect payment for your package, and begin to onboard your business to help craft effective messages to share with our audience on your preferred available dates.

What happens next? 

Can you help us craft the content?

Yes– we edit and ensure all content, ads and information is designed to convert and goes through both our design and writing process. We’re here to help you crush it.

Can you help us plan and build the strategy?  


Yes —  for those who invest in pro packages, we will help you craft your messaging, positioning and overall marketing strategy in relation to The Growth Memo newsletter. Further, as needed, we can help you plan and build a custom strategy specific to your business and budget.

The following are the stats for this specific property, they of course change week-on-week, we do however, keep this updated. 

Share your product, service, or content with 

over 50k high level marketers & Entrepreneurs