A newsletter packed with actionable insights and strategies from the frontlines of growth marketing. 

Why are you getting this Growth Memo? 

As the CEO of Funnelytics I’m excited to offer you this valuable resource as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting your growth and success. 

This weekly newsletter is designed to keep you informed about the latest industry trends, provide insights into proven growth strategies, and share real-world funnel breakdowns that will guide in your efforts. 

And the best part? It’s completely free. 

So please relax and enjoy the information we’ve created & curated for you!

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CEO Of Funnelytics

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Welcome to the Growth Memo!

At Funnelytics, we aim to help businesses like yours achieve unprecedented growth. That’s why we are excited to present you with Growth Memo – a newsletter packed with actionable insights and strategies from the frontlines of growth marketing. Written directly from our team to you, Growth Memo will provide valuable insights on potential growth opportunities and help you stay ahead of the curve.

Why read this memo? To boil it down to one word… Consolidation.

Here is our meaning of Consolidation:

Combine (a number of things) into a single, more effective or coherent whole.

The market is changing faster than ever with advancements in AI and almost every aspect of the current digital landscape.

It’s not enough anymore to be a “Marketer.” Long gone are the days of learning JUST ONE skill set to become king/queen of the hill. As markets mature, they consolidate, competition increases, and the consumer becomes more sophisticated. 

How do we combat this? To boil it down to one word… Growth.

Here is our meaning of Growth:

An unexploited opportunity that will help you hit your KPIs.

We need to fight fire with fire and adapt as growth marketers… Whether you are a solopreneur or a master of your craft working for a large corporation.

It’s our job to drive results through GROWTH!

You need to be able to sharpen your axe through proven, actionable content that will help you hit your targets. 

That’s where Funnel Memo comes in.

We will help you see what is working now, empower you to be seen as the growth expert you are and deliver you with unwavering confidence to execute!

Are you ready for Growth?

Let’s dive in…

Spot Light – Growth Deep-dive

It’s an AI assistant trained by OpenAI. A large language model that uses machine learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to user input. A.K.A., a marketer’s best friend!

Check it out here: https://chat.openai.com/chat 

Why should I care about ChatGPT as a Growth Marketer?

ChatGPT is going to change the marketing industry fundamentally.

It will allow you to automate some of the most repetitive tasks as a marketer, from marketing plans, keyword research, writing simple coded scripts, content writing and copywriting, just to name a few!

Keep in mind this is still just early days, but it’s the equivalent of having a highly skilled Intern that doesn’t need to be trained, doesn’t need to take time off and delivers work instantly!

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. It was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and other Silicon Valley leaders to promote and develop friendly AI.

What opportunities are available for Growth right now?

Everywhere, the list is massive!

Here are prompts you can use right now to grow and automate your business:

Click To See Full List Live On Twitter

This is just scratching the surface… You can use it to write job descriptions, write emails, check your code or errors, and so much more. To top it off, they have already started work on GTP4, so you can expect this tech to only improve with time. 

Hands down the best AI  tool I have ever used. Check it out here: https://chat.openai.com/chat

Plus, the whole process of entering the prompts above from start to finish took the author less than 5 minutes.

I have heard a lot of fear from the marketing community as they fear that this AI will replace them. [Insert The Worlds Tiniest Violine 🎻] The truth is that ChatGPT and other tools just like it are just that… a tool! Using it will only enhance your skill, save time, and make you a boatload of money! 

ChatGPT is going to change the marketing industry fundamentally.

it’s the equivalent of having a highly skilled Intern that doesn’t need to be trained

The Breakdown – Growth Funnels

This week we are breaking down Ogilvy.com 

Ogilvy, a New York City-based British advertising, marketing, and public relations agency. It was founded in 1850 by Edmund Mather as a London-based agency. In 1964, the firm became known as Ogilvy & Mather after merging with a New York City agency founded in 1948 by David Ogilvy.

Hook: Brand. They are a big agency That works with big companies.

Promise & Benefits:

It’s unclear based on the techno-babble they are using, but I believe they are saying.

“We help brands grow & have an impact on the world.” 

These are big promises and speak to large businesses ($10m+.)

Unique Selling Proposition

They are one of the world’s biggest advertising agencies and can run successful campaigns for big companies. They have 17,500 employees across 128 offices in 88 countries.

Unique Mechanism

Ideas. This is smart because, as one of the industry leaders, they would have a unique perspective on the market based on the ad spending and wide variation of clients.

They leverage new trends in advertising to create reports that they use for lead generation.


It is not visible on the website, but this is done on purpose so they can get you on a call.

“Growth Solutions” is most likely advertising creative media buying in digital and non-digital formats.


How are you currently positioning yourself in the market, and how can you improve your unique selling proposition?


Written By:

Zachary J. Radford
Editor & Copy Chief Of FunnelMemo.com