How to Get 3x More Eyeballs On Your Offer


A New Model For Your Marketing That Will Skyrocket Attendance Rate, Engagement, & Sales


The old models of getting attention for your business and the value it provides are getting pretty rusty.

They’re largely built on catering to people who need to be educated a bit on their problem, the long term implications of it, and the solutions that are available to them.

And most likely, your business offers at least one of those solutions.

Educating the market and your potential customers is great. It will grow your pipeline for future revenue months out in the future.

But they often fail to serve the people who are looking for a solution today.

People who are actively looking for a solution pay attention.

They show up and are ready to invest into the product or service they feel best fits their overall needs & budget.

If your business is giving away too much for too little in return…

…then check out today’s Deep Dive for a real-life success story that completely trashes the free content myth.


A New Model For Your Marketing That Will Skyrocket Attendance Rate, Engagement, & Sales

You know how we promised you an example of a business that crushed it as soon as they moved away from producing and marketing free content all the damn time?

It’s called the Ask Method.

The company, led by Ryan Levesque, were running free webinars as their main model of lead generation.

But their success was capped because their attendance rates weren’t great.

And nothing they did ever made a meaningful difference to grow the metric.

After testing everything, Ryan was about to throw in the towel and say “webinars are dying so guess it’s time to find the next thing….”

Before they cut the cord completely, the team decided to do one last test.

Instead of offering free content aimed at people seeking information or education….

…they offered low cost content that promised a very specific outcome, result, or benefit. 

The company started to charge $25 to signup for a live online event.

(Typically called Workshops, Premium Trainings, Masterclasses, etc)

They also increased the length of the event

Instead of trying to jam everything (including the sales pitch and call to action) into an hour (or less!)…

…pitching to an audience full of half invested people half paying attention….

The company delivered a 2+ hour interactive workshop where nearly everyone showed up and nearly everyone actively engaged.

After delivering a valuable experience, they shared one of the company’s “core offers”; a $2,499 bootcamp program.

People were invited to stay to hear more or ask questions or were free to drop and to expect the recording in the next couple of days.

(Way better vibes than the traditional VSL or live training pitch model IMO)

With their old “free content” model, their attendance rate was around 36%.

And only 26% stuck around to see the offer.

In the new paid workshop model, attendance peaked at 96%

And 92% stayed until the end to see the bootcamp offer!….

Their “offer viewership rate” increased by more than 3.5x….

And, on average, the leads seeing the offer are much higher quality. They started out as “buyers”.

Plus these buyers then got to experience a better, more valuable, and more engaging initial interaction with the business.

Certainly helps to create better conditions to help inspire their customers’ desire for more great experiences with the company

Successful Entrepreneurs Aren’t Afraid to Break the Norm

No doubt, The Ask Method definitely does bring in fewer total registrants than the free model does.

A smaller percent of the overall market are clear on their problem and are looking for someone to help them solve it at any given time.

But they are the highest quality leads. They are invested and they SHOW UP.

These attendees aren’t like dating teenagers half-watching Captain America on Disney+….

These are Marvel fanatics dressed up on opening night, clutching their inflatable shields with glee  🦸🏽  🦸🏼‍♂️

The Ask Method was more profitable and less wasteful because the business didn’t attract thousands of tire kickers each month who clogged up the CRM and the support inbox with no intent to buy….

And more scalable too.

In fact, their new workshops now make… puts pinky finger to lips*

Over one million dollars for the business every month!

The moral of this story is not that you should stop giving away free content.

Many top marketers and businesses have successfully used that strategy.

The takeaway is to examine the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Really look at it. Even if it hurts.

The Goal?

Make sure you’re getting enough bang for your buck.


Use This “Decision Box” to Execute On Strategy Faster 

If your leadership team is full of ideas….you need a way to organize them. Clarity is the only path to efficient action and execution. Learn from business strategy expert Dr. Marc Sniukas how to implement an agile FAST Strategy in your biz

Audience Vs Community

Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income shares his recent development in thought on Audience vs. Community. According to Pat, iff you’re not building one of these assets, you’re going to get left behind…..

Example Offers & Funnels Profitable On Cold Traffic

Scan through this video for live examples and breakdowns of offers and funnels that converted on cold traffic. Like what you see? Block off some time to dive in & watch the whole thing!


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Thanks for reading

Like we said, giving away free content can work.
You’ve seen plenty of examples of it.

But there are ways to attract higher caliber leads who are ready to take action sooner rather than later.

And you can set it up so what you deliver at a relatively low cost can provide them with initial value and help them see even further value in your core offer(s).  

As you can see from The Ask Method’s success story, the people who paid to attend paid attention….

And after that, they paid even larger sums of money to the business because when they paid attention; they got value.

And even when workshop attendees don’t buy any of the next offer(s), each of them can now get a deeper, more involved learning experience.

The odds of them getting value out of it vs a free training or resource?
Not even close. 

So everyone wins this way —  right?

The Growth Memo Team

Let us know what your thoughts are about this model.

If you know of some good examples of other businesses that have gone against the prevailing norm, reply to share them with us!


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