Russell Brunson’s Hidden Sales Secrets…


Russell Brunson’s Hidden Sales Secrets Revealed


Discover the Sales Secrets of Russell Brunson: Masterfully Hidden Persuasion in Words, Images, & Colors

How does Russell Brunson sell so damn much? 

As a college kid, he sold random stuff like projectors and “How to Make a Potato Gun” DVDs to become a millionaire before he graduated.

Is the Founder of Clickfunnels simply a sales prodigy? 

Maybe. But regardless of how naturally talented he is, there’s a method behind everything he does.

Every word he speaks and writes; every color he uses; every image he displays—they’re all intentional.

And they’ll all persuade you in some way, whether you know it or not.

Today is a special day. We’re going to uncover the secret methods behind one of his highest-performing funnels.

He masterfully hides elements of persuasion in plain sight. You’ve probably read them 100 times but didn’t even realize it!

Imagine if you could apply to your campaigns the same methods from a marketer who has a reported net worth of over $40M.

That’s what we’re going to explore in today’s Deep Dive.

And you’re also going to learn something crazy about the energetic wrestler from Idaho in the process.

You know how he’s always pumped? Like, always…

Well you’re about to find out what gives him his infinite buzz….



Ok let’s reveal the marketing master’s secrets once and for all!

We added some red numbers to the image above. In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll go through this high-performing landing page piece—by—piece.

Don’t miss a single persuasion gem hiding in the content grooves.

We’ll start with an easy one at the very top….

1. Urgency

We’re well aware of the power of urgency. But notice the small calendar icon that makes you more aware of time passing by.

Subtle, but powerful.

As a note:

Russell could have taken it a step further and shared the date and time this particular replay was going to be taken down.

2. The Call Out

The first line of the headline directly calls out the reader.

It starts with a clear and specific target reader “Small Business Owners And Entrepreneurs”…

….and continues with a problem-tugging identifier “Who Are Sick & Tired Of Feeling Unmotivated And Worn-Out…”

3. The Transformation

The first part of this section starts the anticipation building. It sets context for the next line and the rest of the copy.

It addresses the common desired outcome the product provides “So Much Energy”.

The segue introduces the “big reveal”. And it introduces the authoritative personality: Russell Brunson.

The next line starts the transformation story with a shocking reveal: “75+ pills a day!?”

Another interesting quality about this line is the specificity.

It’s not a general statement like “How I Went From Taking Loads of Pills…”

The specificity makes it real.

And the photo showing Russell with the pills makes it even more real (he really did it!)

The next line introduces the solution as it continues the story.

We’re not so sure about the word choice for “weird” when talking about something they want people to ingest….

….but gotta imagine this page has likely been through rigorous testing.

And the copy will probably be backed by a ton of customer research, so the choice of “weird” to build intrigue in this product may be a good one.

Saying the product is “Custom Created” lets you know this isn’t a generic product you can buy from the shelves. Which gives it a feel of exclusivity.

Then the following sentence brings the reader into the story nicely: “Entrepreneurs Like Us” .

This transition from talking about Russell and talking directly to the reader is crucial.

If all of the copy was about Russell, it would be difficult for the reader to imagine themselves getting the promised result with the product.

The wording for the result is also selective: “Focus and Energy”—these words will likely have been taken from file cabinets full of customer research on what most entrepreneurs feel they need more of….

….and that could be delivered in pill form, of course.

This writing tactic is a great way to condense the outcome into just 2 power words that will trigger the reader’s desires.

4. The Offer Breakdown

Russell introduces the offering at the sweet spot. He’s built up the intrigue and anticipation for his “big reveal”. Now he’s adding extra bonuses to sweeten the transaction.

Bullet 1 condenses a big solution with many benefits into one, simple promise. Imagine doing a “tweak” that will improve your next 24 hours. The solution offers disproportionate results.

Bullet 2 addresses a potential objection and concern for some readers. And it adds to the element of exclusivity created earlier in the story.

Bullet 3 offers an outcome that will have a big impact in your life. The use of “reset” and “energy” is some nice congruency in the word choice. It’s easy to understand and picture.

Then “in the comfort of your own home” lets you know it’s easy to get this desired outcome.

Especially when the contrast is made in the following sentence: “experience a positive outcome in days rather than months or years!”

5. Authority Picture

The photos of Russell support the copy nicely. To have an authority figure looking right at you has a strong influence over potential consumers.

And notice the transformation illustrated in the photos.

In the first one he looks over-energized like you would with too many pills.

In the second he looks composed, but ready to go.

6. The CTA

The trigger copy—the copy that supports the call-to-action button to encourage you to click—calls you out directly. It says the training is for “YOU.”

The use of the word “specific” is also intentional and powerful. People don’t like vague ideas and concepts—they’re too hard to follow.

Russell promises a “specific” plan for you to get the outcome you want. But also notice how the promise covers multiple outcomes: “Health, Energy And Body”.

Different readers will have different desires.

This copy covers several major ones with just a few words.

And the copy can do this as the desires are all related. E.g. good health can also give you a good body and a lot of energy.

They all intertwine, but by listing all of them all it allows the reader to select the outcome most important to them.

As for the CTA button, the shading of blue could be intentional. Blue is a color often associated with health.

For example, the color of the national health service in the UK is a calm blue.

Now, there’s another key marketing lesson hidden in this landing page.

Did you get it?

Notice how, from the start:

The copy is selling the productnot the webinar.

By doing this, Russell is encouraging the best viewers to watch the webinar.

He doesn’t want people who are looking for health training; he’s looking for people who want to buy health supplements.

Ok, you can now let your head explode.

Did you realize how much goes into just one page?

The lesson for marketers here is that every single touch point with your audience influences whether they will buy your product or not.

This attention to detail is what separates the best from the rest.

Now that you’ve seen some powerful persuasion tactics used by a marketing master, you can start to implement them into your marketing materials.

Good luck!


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