Secret to outsmart all competitors


In March 2023 Google launched its own version of the Meta Ads Library. If you haven’t been taking advantage of it yet, you probably should…

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In March 2023 Google launched its own version of the Meta Ads Library. If you haven’t been taking advantage of it yet, you probably should…

It allows you to get a behind-the-curtains view into your competitor’s search, YouTube, and even Gmail Ads strategies.

Those of you who’ve used Google Transparency Center already might say: “But wait! Don’t my competitors need to be verified by Google for their ads to show?…

Well, we’ve discovered a button displayed on all ads that makes Google confess all of the advertiser’s secrets.

Ready for some competitor espionage?

Let’s dive in! 👇


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The Secret to Outsmart All Competitors

Google Ads Transparency Center allows you to see ads of advertisers that have verified with Google.

You can see their text, image, and video ads. And you can search by dates and location, so you can see when and where ads are being run.

What to tell your friends about Google Ads Spying 👇

Google Ads Transparency Center works just like Meta Ads Library. It’s not as detailed yet, but by reverse-engineering your competitor’s ads you can discover:

  • When they’ve been running ads

  • Video or channel targeting

  • Keyword targeting

  • Video formats

  • Messaging

  • Funnels

  • Offers

Join us in the competitor ads spy center to see how to uncover all of your competitor’s ads strategies so you can take the advertising top spot!…

Your Competitor Ads Spy Center

All you do to see your competitor’s ads is type their URL in the search bar. From there, you can reverse engineer their ads to discover all of their secrets.

Quick, Find the Keywords!

Read the ads’ headlines to see which keywords they could target. When you search these keywords in Google and the ads show up, you’ve gottem’!

The Messaging Reveals…

See what customer pain points or desires your competitors target in the copy. You might want to try testing out the same messaging in your campaigns.

Sneaky tip: You can check how long ads have been running. If it’s a long time, chances are the ads are doing well and could be worth stealing.

Offers That Cannot Be Refused…

The copy reveals your competitor’s offers. See if they’re doing trials, discounts, or call bookings. Again, the longer-running ads could be high-performing offers.

And Awareness Stages of the Customers

The offers reveal what stages of the funnel your competitors are targeting. Relate this to the keyword and you’ll know which stage of awareness they’re targeting for each keyword.

Videos, Images – We’ve Got Them All

The Transparency Center also shows video and image ads, which means… 

You guessed it! You can see your competitor’s YouTube ads.

Note the video styles they use (animated, UGC, or live), whether they’re doing videos or Shorts, and if they use captions.

And if my competitors aren’t verified on Google?

Worry not, agent. We have received new instructions from the Google Spy Center just this morning.

The Alternative Spy Trick (Do This If Your Competitors Aren’t Verified)

Remember how we said we’ve discovered a button that makes Google confess an advertiser’s secrets?

Well, Google has actually been revealing every advertiser’s secrets well before the Transparency Center…

On YouTube

See where it says “My Ad Center” in the image above?

When you tap it, this will pop up…

In the example above, we learn about the advertiser:

  • Age group targeting

  • Time of day targeting

  • Behavior targeting

  • Behavior grouping

On Google Search

Tap the three dots on search ads and Google confesses everything…

The example above reveals targeting for:

  • Keywords

  • Location

  • Interests

  • In-market segments

  • Your data segments

Spy secret: If they’re running Discovery or Performance Max campaigns on YouTube, then their ads may also appear in Gmail inboxes or on Google search results pages. The button in Gmail allows you to see your competitor’s targeting there as well.

Google is pushing more advertisers to get verified. And it’s building out its Transparency Center to make it more insightful. Understanding how it works keeps you one step ahead of the competition.

In fact, how do you know your competitors aren’t reverse-engineering your ads this very minute?!

How to reverse-engineer your competitor’s ads to outperform them:

  1. Run your competitor’s URL into Google Transparency Ads Center and read or watch their ads to discover their targeting and formatting

  2. If they’re not Google verified, use “My Ads Center” to see their ads

Thank you for reading today’s Deep Dive! Hope you enjoyed it.

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from Social Media Examiner.


The Real ABCs of Business Sales (It’s Not ‘Always Be Closing’)

Did you know that the most successful businesses profit through customer retention more than acquisition? Your customer journey extends way beyond the first transaction. And the real ABCs of sales focuses on nurturing retention for high customer LTV and campaign ROI.

From $0 to $1.33 Million: A Facebook Ads Success Story

This ecom brand followed a proven strategy to generate a 10X return on ad spend in its first campaign. Tap the link above to see how they did it so you can potentially 10X your campaigns

How One Title Change Increased CTR by 900%

A #1 ranking page for mango smoothies had a not-so-sweet CTR of <1%. All other competing titles were essentially the same (keyword focused.) A new title was created that focused on the audience’s biggest concerns: time and complexity. With a simple change to focus on pain points CTR jumped to 10%!

Is Generative AI Pushing Marketers Out Of Ecommerce?

With Amazon’s AI and Shopify’s Sidekick generating content, like product descriptions, that could be non-compliant and false, it’s going to be up to marketers to help business owners produce AI content that doesn’t damage their brand. Because let’s face it, business owners are going to use AI for content with or without marketers.



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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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