Want huge growth on social media? (follow these rules)


Noticed your social media posts getting less reach? You’re not alone.

Social media algorithm updates have completely changed how the platforms give reach to content and creators.

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Noticed your social media posts getting less reach? You’re not alone.

Social media algorithm updates have completely changed how the platforms give reach to content and creators.

In an interview with Entrepreneur, LinkedIn’s technicians revealed the inner workings of its updated algorithm that runs on “6 principles of influence.”

In today’s Deep Dive, we explore how these prinicples work so you can make yourself a top authority on LinkedIn (and potentially on other platforms as most are following suit), while avoiding the virality trap that the majority of creators have fallen into.

Plus, we break down the algorithm-pleasing formula behind a post which was praised by the LinkedIn technicians as a “classic example” of how to post for maximum reach.

Let’s dive in!


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LinkedIn Influence: The 6 New Principles of Growth

Since Robert Cialdini released his classic book on psychology, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” almost all marketers use the 6 principles of persuasion in their campaigns.

Fast forward to 2023, and the recent LinkedIn updates have gotten its algorithm technicians plus expert creators on the platform, like ghostwriter for top authorities, Lolita Allyger, talking about 6 principles of influence that might not just apply to LinkedIn, but all social media platforms in the very near future.

If you understand how the principles work, you can become a master networker on the world’s largest online networking platform and potentially also a huge authority on other mass-reach platforms like Twitter.

What to tell your friends about the new LinkedIn algo 👇

Don’t chase virality. LinkedIn gives reach to top experts and networkers who provide valuable content that starts productive conversations.

LinkedIn’s new 6 principles of influence:

  1. Share knowledge and start conversations

  2. Don’t share general content for virality

  3. Respond to comments comprehensively

  4. Don’t focus on the value of individual posts

  5. Keep LinkedIn’s vision in mind

  6. Niche down your audience community

Read on if you’d like a deeper understanding of how to apply these 6 principles + an example post proven to get recognition and build authority that you can copy today…

1. Be a Fountain of Knowledge

LinkedIn has seen a nearly 40% increase in “people checking out and viewing content that is grounded in knowledge from people that are out of their network.” 

Knowledge sharing, i.e. your expertise, that creates meaningful conversations is greatly rewarded.

2. Don’t Aim for Virality

LinkedIn isn’t demoting content, but it’ll no longer reward shallow posts that aren’t educational or useful.

3. Respond to Your Commentors

Because LinkedIn is so focused on creating engagement, it’s counting comments.

It also focuses on the quality of comments, so it’s best to answer questions and foster productive conversations.

4. Post Valuable Content Consistently

LinkedIn wants to see a consistent type of content that’s niche to you. So don’t worry too much about the value of individual posts.

Focus on the long-term returns of growing your reach and influence on the platform.

5. Align With LinkedIn’s Vision

LinkedIn wants to create economic opportunities for everyone online. Think about how you’re contributing to that mission.

6. Niche Down Your Audience

So far, creators are seeing a 10% increase in post views from their followers: “We are looking to see that you are building a community around content, and around knowledge-sharing that you are uniquely qualified to talk about,” says Dan Roth, LinkedIn’s Editor in Chief.

Every one of your posts has a total addressable market: what are you trying to achieve with each post?

Example in the wild 🦁

The post below was rewarded greatly by LinkedIn:

  • 2M impressions




It followed a “share, advice, opinion” algorithm-charming formula that LinkedIn’s technicians couldn’t keep to themselves…

🫴 Share

It shares not just a clever advertisement, but an experience the business owner had with a customer.

🖐️ Opinion

It includes the poster’s opinion on the topic, which is valuable to the audience.

☝️ Advice

It provides a moral to the story the audience can learn from.”We really appreciate creators taking creative liberty and using their personality” – LinkedIn Director of Product Management, Alice Xiong.

The New Era of Social Media Has Begun

Because the algorithms of social platforms used to give reach to popular content, feeds were getting flooded with posts that were entertaining, but unhelpful. That’s why they’re making these changes (X is also limiting reach). 

This is great because while vanity metrics, i.e. likes and comments, can make it look like your posts are performing well, they don’t show the true ROI of your content. So instead of chasing the wrong results, you can focus on what actually moves the needle and be rewarded for it.

A reminder of the 6 LinkedIn principles of influence👇

  1. Share knowledge and start conversations

  2. Don’t share general content for virality

  3. Respond to comments comprehensively

  4. Don’t focus on the value of individual posts

  5. Keep LinkedIn’s vision in mind

  6. Niche down your audience community

Thank you for reading today’s Deep Dive! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!

Inspirations for today’s Deep Dive:

  1. Lolita Allyger LinkedIn Ghostwriter Post

  2. Entrepreneur Interview with LinkedIn Product Managers


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Manager for the biggest content creators, Reed Duchscher revealed his learnings from using YouTube’s new A/B testing feature. He found that for one of Mr. Beast’s thumbnails that a closed mouth increased watch time, plus 3 more takeaways.

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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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