Achieve Lightspeed Growth in 2024 with AI (pt. 2)


It’s about time to start planning for another growth year! But 2024 is going to be like a leap into the distant future…

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It’s about time to start planning for another growth year! But 2024 is going to be like a leap into the distant future…

Because AI is accelerating the growth of the entire world at intergalactic speed! 

83% of the businesses around you are machining up their strategies as a top priority. And 1 in 4 already have AI systems up and running, according to Exploding Topics.

But don’t worry, in today’s Deep Dive we’re going to teach you how to wire AI circuitry into the 3 power centers of your business, so it can operate at lightspeed and “megatron” its growth in 2024.

Let’s dive in! 🚀


Need A New Lead Generation System?

Discover a “new” lead gen method that increases your authority, builds awareness, & generates highly qualified leads (all at the same time!)

This method will allow you to easily tap into pre-built audiences full of your ideal customers. If you want to learn how to:

  • Find the best of these opportunities for your business

  • Create messaging that will compel people in these pre-built audiences to convert

  • Scale the method to provide you with consistent high ROI marketing efforts

We are sharing all this and more on a FREE Live Training on Oct 10th at 2:00pm (PST).



Your Plan to Quantum Leap Your Business Into the Future Through the Power of AI

The three main areas that are going to evolve the most with AI are:

  1. Strategy

  2. Structure

  3. Standards

There’s a thousand ways to use AI in these areas, but there’s just a few core use cases every marketer needs to know (listed below). 

This issue of the Growth Memo is being split into two parts

Today, we’re going to look at Strategy and a bit of Structure. In the next issue we’ll cover the rest of Strategy and look at the Standards.

What to tell your friends about using AI in strategy and teams 👇

AI isn’t yet ready to replace content production or human roles. Instead, power up roles and output using tools that can repurpose content, give creative ideas, and scale content production with solid prompting and editing processes.

Strategy: Where to Use AI

The aim with implementing AI into business strategy is to improve efficiency and output in all areas of your business.

Below we’ve listed the main departments most marketing companies have and how to pump in some AI juice.


AI doesn’t produce publishable content (yet). But with prompting and editing processes you can guide your chosen writer tool to put out some good articles.

Know that Google’s planning on giving preference to pages with first-hand (human) experience, especially content from experts. So if you want your AI-written content to be taken seriously by Google, while your machines are writing the articles have human contributors adding original research and their expertise.

🤖 SEO Hack!: The best SEOs all agree that topical authority is the best protection against updates. To update-proof your site, create topical maps around your highest-ranking content. Use AI to produce a load of articles in large topic clusters, then edit and publish them to build a content moat around your site.

Account-based marketing

Have AI reproduce and adapt your highest-performing content, emails, and landing pages to different industries, roles, or companies to share the power of your best content with all of your clients at scale.

Performance marketing

ChatGPT is good at creating hooks and creatives. Starting from scratch takes a bit of prompting, but if you feed it with your most profitable ads and ask it to pump out some new angles and creatives, you can quickly get more assets to test.

🤖 Prompt Hack!: give AI as much info about your prospect as possible. Ask it to act as an expert marketer and provide its recommendations for compelling hooks. The reasoning it gives will give you ideas and help you understand how the AI is thinking.


As we covered in a previous issue of the Growth Memo, social platforms are programming their feed algorithms to give reach to the most valuable content.

This is why it’s best to feed AI with the high-quality content you have, say a blog post, and have it produce social content from that. Instead of having it produce from scratch, which will likely fall short of social’s new high standards.

🤖 Social Hack!:To use AI to scale social content, have it convert top-performing posts into multiple variations to repost on the same platform or repurpose on others.


Hooks are what make emails sell. Use AI to produce various hooks for your offer. Then you can have it write out emails for each of the hooks. With some good editing by a skilled writer, you can produce a high volume of email test variations to try out for pre-launches and campaigns. The top performers can be used in the official launch.

Product Descriptions

For companies with extensive product databases, connect your database to AI to quickly spin up product descriptions and test different positioning.

Product Marketing

Start with a product positioning brief and rapidly spin up the shell of launch campaigns and product pages. See if it increases the team’s ability to move quickly to rapidly changing product roadmaps.

Campaign Marketing

Similar to product marketing, start with a creative brief on a campaign you’re running for an editorial focus. See if AI helps you extend the offering of a campaign to include assets you wouldn’t have had time to produce otherwise.

For all of these strategies, you need a human editor or moderator to quality-check AI’s output. This is why we believe the roles AI will play in 2024 are going to be different to what most people think…

Structure: Who Will Use AI

Prompt engineers have their place, but AI is gaining a lot of training. Soon it’s going to need less prompting.

Instead of hiring prompting specialists, consider investing in AI training for your team. Everybody will need to know how to use AI at some point to scale their productivity and output.

For effective AI integration into your teams, you’ll need someone at the top overseeing production.

The Managing Editor

Managing editors will be the new prompt engineers. 

They’ll oversee the use of AI in the entire marketing team. They’ll maintain content standards to make sure all content is on brand, high quality, and suitable for its platform.

And they’ll work with the team to strategize how to increase productivity, test and optimize campaigns, and scale output.

It’s no longer sufficient to have just a few individuals experimenting with automation or content creation. 

As we step into 2024, companies need to consider their team structure, strategy, and standards holistically when harnessing AI’s power.

So be sure to join us in the next issue of the Growth Memo coming out on Wednesday the 11th, as we’ll share the key AI roles the managing editor will be overseeing. 

Plus we’ll go over the standards setting for AI within your organization.

See you then!

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from Jasper.AI


Why Growing Your Email List Is Wasting Your Time

Almost everyone believes that to generate 6 figures from your email list you need to get thousands of subscribers. The reality is, earning 6 figures from a list requires the mastery of selling one core offer to the highly-targeted audience you already have. Then you share content about the offer and up its value. A lot simpler than creating a ton of lead magnets, right?

Want To Keep Growing But Afraid of Burning Out?

There’s only so much you can learn about burnout from books and courses on time management, leadership, meditation, and personal development. Instead of following vague ideas, why not try a proven framework that’s specifically designed for 6-7 figure entrepreneurs to end burnout once and for all? If you’ve struggled with burnout time and time again, it might be time to try something new.

This 100% AI-Written Site Earned $8,450 in One Month (and passed the human writing test)

Matt Diggity is widely regarded as one of the top experts on SEO. He used AI to build an entire site that broke 51,000 organic monthly searches and ranked top of the SERPS for its main target keyword… All after just 1 year after launch. How did he do it? He used AI to churn hundreds of articles around topics to build topical authority. With writing systems and a lot of human editing, Matt built a profitable site that survived every Google update it faced.

57+ Insider AI Statistics You Need to Know Before 2024

A world with AI-powered businesses is closing in faster than many anticipated. The AI market is on track to grow by 38% this year and is anticipated to grow by 13X over the next decade. Nearly half of all businesses use some form of machine learning, data analysis, or AI. And marketers, 80% of you believe that AI technology is not a trend, but a revolution that will revitalize the way in which all industries approach their work.


55% of Business Leaders Listen to Podcasts Daily: a B2B Opportunity

Podcasts are an established marketing channel, and they represent an immense opportunity for B2B marketers seeking to connect with CEOs and business leaders.

According to a recent research by Lower Street, 40% of these influential decision-makers tune in daily.

This staggering number goes up to 55% for business founders and CEOs! The podcasting landscape is ripe for engagement, and these findings underscore the potential of this medium to penetrate the elusive world of top-tier executives.

The research also explores how crafting compelling podcast content can amplify brand awareness by 3.1x and favorability by 2.1x.

Seize the podcasting advantage for a B2B marketing strategy

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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