Contrarian business advice to get ahead of the pack

Contrarian business advice to get ahead of the pack


Every entrepreneur dreams of big success in business.

But is it really worth sacrificing your health and relationships for?

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Every entrepreneur dreams of big success in business.

But is it really worth sacrificing your health and relationships for?

What if you could have a complete life of fulfillment AND prosperity — truly have it all?

Best-selling author, performance coach and speaker Jairek Robbins helps professionals achieve success by living with purpose, so they can fire on all cylinders, in all areas of life.

And in today’s Deep Dive, he’s revealing what he’s learned after a decade of observing, innovating, coaching and living fully, so you can too.

Let’s dive in!


The Upcoming Online Business “Perfect Storm” Is Almost Here

An online business mogul featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc., Fortune, and Business Insider, with 20 years experience growing multiple 7-figure businesses, has a warning for online business owners…

“I own 40+ businesses and mentor 1000s of entrepreneurs, which means I have more data points than almost anyone. I don’t want to scare you, but…

I’m seeing more online businesses struggle in the past 6 months than ever before.” — Scott Oldford.

A number of industry problems are compounding into a “perfect storm.”

Some businesses have already been hit. Just last week Scott spoke to an entrepreneur who saw their revenue plummet by 87.5%!

Yet, the business owners he mentors are experiencing their biggest growth ever. One by 700% YoY!

How? By “recession proofing” their business.

Scott’s going to teach you how to boom when others bust in this unrecorded “recession proofing” strategy session tomorrow: Thursday October 26th at 2 pm PST.



Success In Business Should Not Come At the Expense Of Health, Wealth Or Relationships

Jairek Robbins here, bringing forward an approach that has profoundly influenced my understanding of holistic growth and well-being: The Core Four Challenge.

At the crossroads of life’s ever-changing dynamics, have you ever paused and wondered how some individuals seem to have it all figured out?

They radiate health, maintain vibrant relationships, excel in their careers and enjoy genuine prosperity.

The answer lies in mastering the core four pillars of life.

1. Health: More Than Just Physical Vitality

In pursuing achievements and milestones, it’s easy to forget the vessel that supports it all — our body and mind. Your health is a blend of mental agility, emotional balance and physical stamina.

Regularly nourish your mind with knowledge and positive affirmations.

Adopt a balanced diet, consistent exercise routine and ensure ample rest.

Remember, your health is a lifelong investment that pays the best dividends.

Put it into action:

Prioritize daily mental exercises like mindfulness. Stay active, and listen to your body. Your health is the foundation of all endeavors.

2. Relationships: The Heartbeat Of Existence

Life’s true essence lies in connections — the bonds we form, the relationships we cherish.

Whether it’s family, friends or partners, it’s crucial to cultivate emotional intelligence.

This skill helps in understanding, empathizing and resonating with others. Building strong, authentic relationships enhances our lives, providing support, love and shared joy.

Put it into action:

Regularly invest time and genuine effort in your relationships. Practice active listening and open communication.

3. Career: Beyond The 9-5 Grind

A fulfilling career is more than just a paycheck at the end of the month — it’s about aligning passion with purpose.

By continuously upskilling, staying adaptable and maintaining a growth mindset, one can not only achieve professional success but also derive genuine satisfaction from their work.

Put it into action:

Align your profession with your passions and values. Continuously learn and adapt, ensuring that your career is both meaningful and rewarding.

4. Wealth: Crafting A Legacy

Wealth isn’t solely about financial abundance. It’s about cultivating a mindset of prosperity in all areas of life.

Proper financial planning, investments and understanding the value of money can create a safety net for you and your loved ones. But true wealth lies in experiences, memories, and the legacy you leave behind.

Put it into action:

Diversify your investments, plan for the future, but also cherish and invest in experiences that enrich your life.

The Core Four Challenge In Action

The Core Four Challenge is my distilled wisdom from decades of exploration and understanding.

It provides a blueprint to ensure that every facet of your life isn’t just functioning, but flourishing. But, as with everything valuable in life, it requires commitment, discipline and the desire to evolve continuously.

The beauty of the Core Four Challenge is that it doesn’t come at the expense of one’s health, wealth or relationships. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

It’s about finding harmony and investing in ALL aspects of life to create a fulfilling and sustainable future.

But it’s hard to do alone without people in your corner cheering you on and keeping you on track.

That’s why I built the Core Four Challenge program, so I can help you build a life of fulfillment and prosperity.

If you’d like some support building a life that is purposeful, joyous and abundant, you can join the Core Four Challenge here.

Wishing you growth, harmony and boundless energy,

Jairek Robbins

P.S. As a token of gratitude for being a pivotal part of this community, I’m offering a *special founding members discount code* for the first 50 people.

Use the code: C4FoundingMember for a massive discount! SignUp here


Want A Profitable YouTube Channel That Grows Without You? Don’t Build A YouTube Channel

Solopreneurs tend to cap out at that low 7-figure level. Here’s why this glass ceiling exists: Educators rely on their personal brand. There’s only so much content you can create. Now, take a look at larger education businesses. What do they do differently? They drive traffic at a much larger scale, in a way that’s infinitely scalable, and doesn’t rely on any one individual. When you make the shift from personal brand → media company, that’s when you can scale to unprecedented heights.

Most Business Coaches Aren’t Qualified To Teach (& It’s Causing Problems)

Growing a business and then trying to teach others based on that ONE experience isn’t enough. Many coaches don’t have the right training to guide others on their entrepreneurial journey. This is where certifications make the difference. When you’re getting certified, you’re learning, training and helping others. So this isn’t only about growing your business as you build your authority, but also sharing what you’ve learned with others.

The Results Are In: New Study Shows SMEs Are Flocking To Social Media For Growth

Verizon has released the findings of its 4th annual State of Small Business Survey. The study shows that as SMEs seek growth, more companies are demonstrating a heightened need for social media marketing expertise and resources. According to the findings, 77% of small to mid-sized businesses are currently using, or planning to use, social media marketing to increase customer engagement and online traffic.

0.01% Dreams vs. 99.9% Habits

Nobody creates a vision board for average results, like a regular income, decent house and an ok marriage, right? Most people dream of 0.01% results, like a 7-figure income, a giant house or building a movement that initiates large social change. But they engage in habits that lead to the results of 99.9%. To get the 0.01% or even 1% life results, you have to engage in 1% behaviors.


How To Accelerate Growth & Success….Without Burning Out Ever Again!

Do you ever feel trapped by what you’ve built in your life and business?

You know you want to get to the next level…..

….but you feel like you’d hit your breaking point if you took on any more work or responsibility.

There is a complete solution to deal with chronic stress, overwhelm and burnout.

And in this free masterclass, David & Rachel Godfrey share that solution with you, so you can confidently drive towards your next level of growth and success.


Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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