The Surefire Way to Increase Your Conversion Rates


In the never ending quest to increase conversion rates — many marketers inadvertently pigeon hole themselves.



In the never ending quest to increase conversion rates — many marketers inadvertently pigeon hole themselves.

By putting the majority of focus on the landing page or the cart + checkout page, they fail to account for the full picture. 

The people who find themselves on their site or landing page(s) or organic content & accounts (social, email, etc) have varying degrees of context for who you are and what your business offers.

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll share what to think about in order to be compelling in each message you send through the stages of your marketing & sales process

Let’s dive in ⬇️


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Powerful Messaging At Each Stage of the Customer Path

Imagine you are having a conversation with a new acquaintance.

They are certainly an interesting enough person. 

In fact, some of what they shared was almost spooky in how closely the experience they were relaying was relevant to a recent problem that you’d been bumping up against. 

But they also would sometimes say things that didn’t quite make sense….

…almost like they were talking to you like you’ve known each other for awhile; even though really this just your first or second time ever really chatting.  

They could have become a good friend or advisor or connector in your life…

…but there was just enough that felt “off” from the conversation and the vibes where you never chose to go beyond the acquaintance level with this person.

The messaging of your website(s), social profiles + content, funnels, emails, etc are having conversations with people every single day

Some of the conversations these web assets have on your business’ behalf are smooth enough….

….but others may be a bit disjointed. 

Maybe even a bit cold. 

Or sometimes maybe it’s just kind of broad and general as opposed to consistently saying things that are interesting and relevant and valuable to people in your market. 

After the break, we’ll share ways you can help your business to share relevant messages & hold coherent convos with your future customers…..


Questions To Ask Yourself At Each Stage

There are some pretty quick and easy ways for you to deploy the things that you discover via the questions below into your various messages, profiles, organic content, etc.

These should be mostly apparent about what and where to make some changes.

There are also some more in depth ways to maximize the effect. We’ll share one at the end to get your brain storming with ideas for your own business.

Question 1:
What Do They Already Know?

When they are coming into contact with this message or content or page or offer — what do they know?

What has their experience been like prior to being where they are now?

What “stage of awareness” are they in? 

Both in regard to awareness of their potential problems (or unrealized goals) as well as if they are aware of  how your company can help them create better outcomes in their life?

Understanding their existing knowledge helps you to tailor your approach.

Question 2:
What Don’t They Know Yet?

Once you know what they know, you can look at what is still left for them to discover.

Create a little list of the key things most of your customers most want and/or needed to know before they “gave themselves permission” to go ahead with their buying decision with you. 

Got your list? Good.

Because here you get to be strategic…..

Question 3:
What Do They Need To Know Now?

Just because they don’t know something at this point doesn’t mean you need to be in a rush now to make them aware.

Think through an ideal conversation for educating someone on who your product(s) serve and what outcome(s) they help those people achieve. 

What order would you want to reveal things to: 

  • Pique interest

  • Pre-handle 1+ key objections

  • Demonstrate your ability to deliver results

  • Offer some ways for them to signal their interest to engage with you further

When trying to improve your overall conversion rate of people who learn about you to people who buy from you — each step should be evaluated based on how people arrived at that step. 

For example — let’s say your business gets both organic and paid traffic from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. 

Many businesses have the same main landing page(s) and funnels that all traffic sources drive to where they then use some analytics tracking to understand how each source performs.

At a certain point, it makes sense to split things out and have some tweaks on the landing page(s) for each of these sources.

Subtle things like having copy (and/or imagery) that speaks to their experience of why they left their platform of choice to be here now can be powerful and more “intimate” with the experience of that sect of your overall audience who finds their way to your web properties.


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Struggling to Scale Your Business?

It’s no wonder. Every day, more competition enters your market. 

Ad costs skyrocket, and attention spans dwindle. 

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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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