In A Competitive Market? Different = Better


It feels like most markets are “red oceans” these days.



It feels like most markets are “red oceans” these days.

It has forced many businesses to try to “do more”. 

For some that means more emails and more ads.

For others, it means making increasingly bold offers and guarantees.

For the people in the market, it means they are swamped in noise.

It is hard to compete by adding in a similar sounding message. 

Today’s deep dive shares a couple ways you can stand out from the crowd.

Let’s dive in ⬇️


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Part 1:
How Most Businesses Communicate

If your business offered sales training, I imagine that most of your ads and emails would talk about sales.

You would share tips and techniques.

You would produce videos showing effective vs. ineffective ways to handle objections.

You would share stories of people who took your training and began to rake in huge commission checks each month.

All those things are important, but they often are not enough in today’s marketplace.

Especially if someone has searched for sales tips (on Google, YouTube, or on a social platform) or engaged with sales content in their feeds, the people in your market are seeing this kind of content from others who have similar offers.

If they’ve seen your ads, posts, or emails for awhile but haven’t bought yet — there’s a good chance that one more testimonial or even one more “killer” sales tip isn’t going to get the job done.

What can get the job done?


Part 2:
How To Be Different

Being Different Is Often Better Than Being Better

If doing a better job of giving sales tips or sharing testimonials won’t stand out from every other business doing the same thing…

…what will?

Helping your prospects relate to your offer in a new context & sharing new mental models where your product becomes an urgent “must-have” instead of just a “nice-to-have”.

For Example:

Let’s say your audience and clients for your sales training are mostly age 25 – 40 men with fairly traditional male hobbies like sports and video games.

Instead of figuring out the 100th different way to give some value or share your proprietary sales process…

…you tell a story about how as a teenager you almost quit a video game that ended up being your favorite game of all time because you couldn’t get past the Water Temple. 

You asked your friends but they couldn’t figure it out either. They all gave up on the game (and recommended you stop wasting time on it too). 

But something in you couldn’t let it go so easily. 

You began a quest that took you to every game store in your town….and then in the next town over….and then the next until you finally found someone who was willing to show you exactly how to get past the level you were stuck on.

What once seemed impossible had become easy. 

You then connect that story to what a recent client said about how being equipped with your training was like playing the sales game with invincibility mode activated.

You can share how much joy you get from making the sales game fun and fulfilling for others when it used to be frustrating.

And most importantly, you transform your marketing from selling a training product into offering an unfair advantage that completely changes the game.

It is hard to compete by being better at the thing literally everyone in the market is trying to do.

Better to compete on being different in what you communicate.


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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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