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Successful marketing is a mix of art and science.



Successful marketing is a mix of art and science.

Online tools and platforms have evolved, they have made it easier for the “scientists” to succeed. 

But we are here to argue that the pendulum has swung too far to one side.

In today’s Deep Dive, we’ll share a bit about how to become a masterful “artist” & how increasing your ability on this side will make all your science experiments more profitable.

Let’s dive in ⬇️


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Part 1:
The Artist’s Way

Let’s first get on the same page about one thing:

Every marketing action and strategy involves some mix of art and science. 

Even the most elaborate multivariate test that set up using AI tools still requires some level of creativity and artistry.

And even the most abstract and creative campaigns typically have some sort of metric to measure impact. 

In the past, it was difficult to measure any single ad or marketing campaign. Because of that, marketing was primarily judged on its creative merits. 

Many of the marketers back then who embraced measurable, scientific advertising became legends.

Today granular measurement is a core component of just about every marketing channel (even many offline ones).

Which means that it is now easier to be a marketing scientist than an artist.

And today it is the marketers who excel in the artistry of marketing who stand out the most.

The next section will give you some actionable ways you can become a better marketing artist.


Part 2:
Your Brand Is Your Art

A company’s brand is its unique identity that distinguishes it from every other company. 

It is a main driving force behind why someone chooses to buy from one business versus another. 

Do it right and a brand can compel people to pay a premium for what is functionally the same product or service that is available for a lower price elsewhere. 

In fact, a strong brand that the market identifies with on a deep level can execute a simple marketing strategy and outperform the most scientifically run strategy from a weaker brand.

(Image Credit: @ClayHebert)

Here are a couple initial steps to help you clearly define your brand so that everyone in your market knows how you are different than the rest.

Step 1 – Define What You Are vs What You Are Not

There is a lot of power in taking a stand against the status quo in your industry.

People in the market may be accepting the current options despite feeling frustrated or misaligned with some components of what they’ve been buying.

Pro Tip:
Take it a step further than just stating that you are different. You’ll connect much deeper if you share why you intentionally chose to be different and the implications of those differences.

Dollar Shave Club made a massive splash not just by saying that they were cheaper but shared why they were taking a stance against the major players in the market who had been price gouging customers for years.

Step 2 – Define Your Core Values & Attributes


Especially for forming a first impression of a company, people are only able to retain a couple pieces of information. 

While you may have a lot of things you believe make your products unique and valuable, you will be best served picking one or two key ones to lead with.

Pro Tip:
The landscape of your market and the attributes of your product will help you understand what will be most remarkable.

In a world of fast fashion that is produced cheaply overseas, durable craftsmanship that is made in America is worth the cost increase to a material segment of the US market.


Step 3 – The “Up At Night” Test

As much as we all like to think we are logical and rational beings, we are driven to many of our buying decisions by the energy produced from our emotions.

On one side we are compelled to act by fear and by pain.

On the other we are compelled to act by desire and positive expectation.

Pro Tip:
Ask yourself what problems or questions or fears or issues keep your ideal customers up at night.

Positioning your product as able to resolve that key issue will capture attention and win market share.

You can also ask yourself what would excite them & infuse their day with energy. 

Positioning your product as something that is able to bring new levels of excitement and enthusiasm into life can compel buying action as well.

Nail these more “artistic” elements and watch how much easier it becomes to succeed on the “scientific” side of marketing.


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Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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