Grow revenue 340% from organic traffic


 Steal this organic marketing strategy that brought 340% revenue growth


Identifying the Content “Sweet Spot” to Unlock Outsized Growth

Noah Kagan has been a highly-respected marketer for a long time…

But his content marketing for his company AppSumo, was not working.

Content was produced occasionally based on popular community conversations (and sometimes just based on a “gut feeling”).

To build a cohesive content marketing strategy takes some effort, which is why few companies do it.

But Noah understood the power of content marketing. So he enlisted help to gear up for unlocking AppSumo’s dormant growth potential.

In Today’s Deep Dive, we explore how they used a simple 4-step strategy (that you can steal) to identify AppSumo’s market “Sweet Spot” that generated 340% revenue growth.


340% Revenue Growth Case Study


(Omniscient AppSumo Case Study – Traffic Value Graph)

There’s no right or wrong content strategy.

The best way to get results is to build upon your current content production and create a strategy that aligns with your business goals.

That’s what reputable content agency Omniscient helped AppSumo to do.

And in just one year they:

  • Got a 340% uplift in revenue from organic traffic
  • Drove $165,000 worth of monthly organic traffic
  • Ranked on Page 1 of Google for 53 keywords
  • Grew organic blog traffic by 843%

This is how they did it.


The Easy-to-Follow 4 Step Process to 340% Revenue Growth


They started a 4-step process to diagnose and fix the problems in the content production.

1. Bring in the SWOT Team

Using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) procedure, they identified where AppSumo stood in the market.

And while improving your brand’s positioning is one of the highest leverage things you can do….it’s something that evolves over time.

For short-term growth, you need to understand where your business sits right now and work from the current reality.

2. Strategize a Battle Plan

AppSumo’s software marketplace sells discounted products that are often considered alternatives to more well-known software.

To leverage this USP and AppSumo’s high domain rating (DR) of 70, they strategized to rank for high-competition, high-purchase-intent keywords.

Some examples include: 

“best graphic design software” and “canva alternatives”.

AppSumo’s website was already set up to convert visitors who were aware of the solution to their problem (a solution-aware audience.) 

You’ve heard great marketers say “Know your audience.” This is why your strategy must begin with an understanding of who you want to visit your site and what intention or expectation they have when they arrive.

3. Production Begins

They decided to produce product-led content. They looked for the overlap between things people “in market” search for and what the AppSumo product delivers.

This made for clear in-roads to talk about the product within the content to drive conversions.

The more relevant your product is to the topics you target, the more opportunities you have to convert readers. 

4. Promotion

In addition to promoting content through their existing channels to drive initial flows of traffic, Omniscient also built high-quality, relevant backlinks to the content from websites that had a domain rating of 50 or higher.

This continued a flow of traffic. It also gave the algorithms what they wanted to see in order to rank AppSumo’s content higher in search results.

What You Can Learn from this Strategy to Scale Your Own Campaigns

(1) Research where your product fits into the market

With a bit of research to see where AppSumo stood in the market, Omniscient were able to identify how it can use its market position to its advantage.

There are search queries that align with buyer intent that match your business’ position in the market.

But you can’t target them if you aren’t aware of your current position.

(2) Create content that aligns with your unique selling proposition (USP) and market fit

AppSumo targeted keywords aligned with its USP and content marketing goals. These were the low-hanging fruit for high campaign ROI.

Now it has a replicable content strategy that targets keywords with high search volume and high purchase intent.

AppSumo now plans to apply that strategy as they expand their marketplace offerings to more software categories for new buyer personas.

See the Omniscient case study here: 

Hope you enjoyed today’s Deep Dive!

If you have any feedback or requests for what we should explore next, Take the Short Survey below!


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Apple’s Blocking More URL Parameters

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Audiences Don’t Care if AI Created Your Brand’s Content

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Thanks for reading


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