+32% revenue from “fast & easy” value prop


Ever think about the genius who put wheels on suitcases?

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Ever think about the genius who put wheels on suitcases?

Let’s face it, every marketer dreams of doing a simple “genius inventor’s tweak” that revolutionizes a campaign (you know you do as well!).

Well, Grant Lukin, marketing manager at a small loans company got his genius moment with just a simple messaging tweak to a landing page.

The new messaging exploded loan applications by 93%. They make up to $3,520 per lead, so 10 more leads could have earned the company $35,200, just from adding a few bullet points….

In today’s Deep Dive, we’re going to give you Grant’s “fast & easy” value prop that’s so simple and powerful, you’ll feel like you’ve been handed the E = MC2 formula for your campaign. 

Let’s dive in!


55% of Business Leaders Listen to Podcasts Daily: a B2B Opportunity

Podcasts are an established marketing channel, and they represent an immense opportunity for B2B marketers seeking to connect with CEOs and business leaders. 

According to a recent research by Lower Street, 40% of these influential decision-makers tune in daily. 

This staggering number goes up to 55% for business founders and CEOs! The podcasting landscape is ripe for engagement, and these findings underscore the potential of this medium to penetrate the elusive world of top-tier executives. 

The research also explores how crafting compelling podcast content can amplify brand awareness by 3.1x and favorability by 2.1x.



(Image: Marketing Sherpa)

The “Fast & Easy” Value Prop That Skyrocketed Revenue 32%

The image above is a before shot of the landing page for Nimble, the small loans company.

That giant testimonials billboard is an interesting design choice…

Anyway, as you can see, it lacks a value prop that gives visitors a reason to believe this small loan is the best they can find.

The “fast & easy” value prop method

For a lightning boost in revenue, create a value prop that targets and differentiates:

  1. Remove the perceived time, payment, and effort requirements

  2. Communicate how you can help your customer

  3. Break down what you’re offering into bullets

  4. Show exclusivity of your product or service

  5. Talk about the ends, not the means

Read on to learn Grant Lukin’s “fast & easy” formula that flooded his company with 32% more revenue…


(Image: Nimble)

Apart from the testimonials billboard being torn down (thankfully), what other differences do you notice about the new version above?

Everything above the CTA is the same, but below there are a few additions.

The page is designed for lazy people

The best value propositions make it seem like you do everything for the prospect to get them what they need.

Nimble’s value prop removes the 3 main types of required investment:

  1. Effort: “hassle-free”, “no paperwork”, and “need a helping hand?”

  2. Time: “paid in 60 minutes”

  3. Payment….

As you can see, there’s no mention of how much the prospect needs to pay.

At this stage of awareness, the customer doesn’t need to see this. Including the payment info too early can block conversions. It can encourage the visitor to consider shopping around when they might already be sold.

💡 Genius tip:list out the things your prospect needs to do to get your product or service. Then write out some 2-3 word taglines that communicate how you take away or reduce those things to make it easy to get started.

It gives the prospect no choice but to say “yes”

The real scenario that’s painted by the copy is cleverer than it looks: “When the dentist calls or the plumber needs to visit

Talking about a situation that’s out of the prospect’s control takes the decision out of the prospect’s hands…

Because when the plumber comes, you need to pay them!

💡 Genius tip:list out the reasons your prospect needs your product or service. See which reasons are out of their control and force them to use your product or service. These are your strongest selling points!

It takes the words right out of their mouth

You might have noticed the 3rd testimonial on the original landing page:

Have used Nimble on a few occasions when I needed cash ASAP money has been transferred within minutes

The copy answers this burning desire in the prospects with simple clarity. No words are wasted on the how: 

“Cash loans, paid in 60 minutes once confirmed”

💡 Genius tip: Notice how in the testimonial the customer says “I needed cash”, not “money” or “a loan”. Use the exact words your customer uses to show you have what they need.

It shoots down objections with sniper bullets

Legendary copywriter Parris Lampropoulos (who ironically has the most difficult name to spell) constantly lauds bullets as a copywriter’s most powerful tool.

Ben Settle famously wrote entire paper newsletters in bullets. And David Deutch calls bullets “the keys to the kingdom”.

Why? Because they pack the highest amount of impact in the shortest amount of copy.

They’re easy to digest. And they’re quick to read.

💡 Genius tip: list out the biggest selling points in bullets. In fact, write out your entire landing page in bullets! You’ll quickly see why they’re called “bullets”.

Nothing We’ve Just Covered Matters If You Don’t Do These 2 Things…

1. Separate the means from the end

Talk about the end result, not how you get them the result. Focus on the customer’s experience of the value.

If you show the payment amount, flip it into the value. E.g. instead of “$89”, say “Save 70% compared to other services”

2. Make what your offering exclusive

The landing page above emphasizes exclusivity with “60-minute approval” (which is pretty unique in the niche.)

One of these elements without the other is limited in power because anybody can target them individually. When you get both, you have a solid value prop.

But Nimble Wasn’t Working With Much…

Their landing page was pretty basic.

That’s the main reason they were able to see such an outsized return from a basic change. If you have highly optimized pages, then you’ll likely need to go deeper into your value proposition, e.g. tinker with the subtle language you use or change the color shading of the CTA.

These are the steps to identify your “fast & easy” value prop

  1. Remove the perceived time, payment, and effort requirements

  2. Communicate how you can help your customer

  3. Break down what you’re offering into bullets

  4. Show exclusivity of your product or service

  5. Talk about the ends, not the means

That’s it for today’s Deep Dive. Hope you enjoyed it!

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from Marketing Sherpa.


Looking to grow the authority of your brand?

One of the best marketing pieces your company can have is a bestselling book that separates it from the rest of your competition in the market. Want to reap the benefits without all the work? Check out how Authors Unite has helped turn hundreds of individuals & companies into NYT and WSJ best selling authors!

Have You Heard Of Book-A-Call Content? (It Outperforms Email by 18X)

Let’s say 15-30% of your email subscribers usually open, that means up to 75% of your list is going to waste. Instead of sending emails to get bookings, try posting your emails onto a webpage with a link to the calendar at the bottom. Then write a short SMS with a link to the page and send it to your SMS list. In tests, this strategy has proven to outperform email by 18X!

The CEO Doctor Who’s Curing “Strategy Weakness” Worldwide

Did you know that CEOs and senior leaders of titan companies like BMW, Accenture, and Deloitte have a “strategy doctor”? He diagnoses their strategy weaknesses. And because all CEOs suffer from the same strategy weaknesses, he gives them all a tried-and-true stimulation remedy that kicks their organization and strategic abilities into gear.

3 Ways to Intensify the Force of Your Value Proposition

A value prop has to answer the following question: “If I’m your ideal prospect, why should I trust you rather than your competitors?” This can be done in 3 ways: making sure it’s structured properly, targeting your prospect’s core desire or fear, and emphasizing your exclusivity.

How to Write Badass Bullets Your Readers Simply Can’t Resist

Sometimes, a single bullet is all it takes to knock your prospect off the fence and get them to become a customer. It may surprise you, but sometimes even the pros write weak bullets. Where the magic really happens is in the polishing phase. Because there’s a thousand ways to write one message, so refining down to the core message within the message is key to finding the treasure.


No More Guesswork, Just More Sales 💰

We all know the undeniable power of a daily habit. 

Imagine if you put intentional and proactive daily focus on driving more leads and sales for your business. 

By consistently implementing strategic actions, you create the momentum to propel your efforts forward 💨

Over time, your dedication builds trust and credibility with your audience, leading to increased conversions and customer loyalty. 

All by embracing a daily habit — one that unlocks your full potential as a rainmaker that cultivates faster growth in your business.

This checklist includes simple, core actions that help you sell in a way that’s comfortable to you.


Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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