Become A Modern Day Marketing Legend


The Counterintuitive Approach to Becoming a Modern-Day Marketing Great


The Counterintuitive Approach to Becoming a Modern-Day Marketing Great

AI is pretty darn good at producing marketing content. 

And while a lower barrier to create is bad news for amateur marketers….

(They’re slowly and awkwardly being frozen out if you haven’t noticed)

There are marketers who are producing more content than ever and who are producing higher quality content at the same time.

The very best at this have, in short order, catapulted themselves to “modern-day marketing legend” status. 

Seriously — the kind of thing a 2023 version of David Ogilvy, or Don Draper, or Eugene Schwarz might do…


Simple. They infuse the classic marketing fundamentals taught by the legends (that will never change) into how they use AI to create content.

And the amazing thing is, anybody can do this

No matter your current marketing experience.

In today’s Deep Dive, we’re going to explore one such modern-day application of classic marketing with AI.

Let’s get into it!


The image above is a remake of an emotional matrix model. It’s taken from the classic marketing book written in 1914, Applied Business Correspondence

Famed copywriter Robert Collier, credits this book for his success in business.

We’re going to learn how to apply these masterful principles and models today in 2023.

Once you start to plug this “emotional matrix model” into ChatGPT….

….you want not be able to resist the urge to rub your hands like a mad scientist.

It’ll produce a deeply detailed buyer persona that’s like having a therapists’ analysis of your target customer and how to capture their attention.

Even better, you can put it together in an afternoon instead of days or weeks

Imagine This: 

You’re the Founder of a marketing agency looking for ecommerce entrepreneur clients. You initiate a prompt to ChatGPT to create a buyer persona and it comes up with Ethan:

Ethan is a 35-year-old ecommerce entrepreneur from New York City, New York. He’s married, health-conscious, and has a keen interest in technology, entrepreneurship and travel.

Ethan struggles to manage all his business single-handedly. He has a busy schedule, limiting his time to keep up with the rapidly-evolving ecommerce landscape. He finds it difficult to find effective marketing strategies that yield high ROI.

And sure that is decent as a high level description and it might help you with targeting through Interest categories if that is how you advertise….

….but it doesn’t really help you find any specific angles that will capture Ethan’s attention.

However, once you tell ChatGPT to use the emotional motives model…

You can come up with specific messaging that is likely to appeal to your target market and ideal clients. 

Ask it for motives that align with these core emotions that will compel someone to go further into the sales process with your business. 

An example output of a prompt around these core emotions and powerful ways they manifest could look like this: 

Given Ethan’s buyer persona, the most effective emotional appeals for structuring an advertisement for your marketing services would likely be:

1. Achievement and Success: Ethan is an ambitious entrepreneur who is driven by the desire to grow his ecommerce business and stay ahead of the competition.

An advertisement that emphasizes how your marketing services can help him achieve his business goals, increase sales, and outperform competitors would likely resonate with him.

2. Security and Peace of Mind: As a business owner, Ethan likely experiences stress and uncertainty about the future of his business.

An advertisement that highlights how your marketing services can provide stability, protect his business interests, and ensure the sustainability of his ecommerce store would likely appeal to him.

3. Efficiency and Time-Saving: Ethan is a busy entrepreneur who values his time.
An advertisement that emphasizes how your marketing services can save him time by handling his digital marketing needs, allowing him to focus on other aspects of his business, would likely be effective.

4. Pride and Prestige: Ethan takes pride in his business and desires success and recognition.
An advertisement that highlights how your marketing services can increase the prestige of his ecommerce store, enhance its reputation, and cater to his pride would likely resonate with him.

5. Responsibility and Duty: Ethan feels a sense of duty towards his business, employees, and customers.
An advertisement that emphasizes how your marketing services can help him fulfill these obligations, by providing the best possible service to his customers and ensuring the growth and success of his business, would likely appeal to him.

This isn’t a complete Avatar, but it does point out some strong emotional triggers that can spark ideas for your campaigns.

Use it as a starter guide and build on it. 

Add your current offer details and customer research to the prompt thread with ChatGPT to refine it further.

Regardless how much of it you create vs. how much of it AI does for you…

…there’s tons of sales generating “primal power” available if you utilize core, instinctual human motivations in your marketing campaigns & content.

You can see the full prompt structure we used to create this persona here:

The “Applied Business Correspondence” Buyer Persona Prompt Structure 

And the inspiration for today’s Deep Dive came from:

How Marketers Can Use AI to Become More Effective (Ethically) by Brocton Rye


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Thanks for reading


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