Achieve Lightspeed Growth in 2024 with AI (pt. 2)


In the last issue of the Growth Memo, we covered how to build infinite systems of scale into your content production.

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In the last issue of the Growth Memo, we covered how to build infinite systems of scale into your content production. 

But that’s not going to be enough…

You see, 9 in 10 organizations believe AI is going to give them a competitive advantage, so…

You’ll need your own “AI Team” to keep you in the fight!

Today, we share how to empower your team to function at cyborg-level productivity. And how to set up policy guardrails that protect your company from the legal trapdoors in the regulations maze of AI and data usage. 

Ready to step ahead of the 83% of businesses that have AI as a top priority in their 2024 growth plans?

Let’s dive in!


For Parents of Young Entrepreneurs…

Gary Vaynerchuk and Russell Brunson don’t teach their kids entrepreneurship, they give them this short children’s book instead.

Spend quality reading time with your children and watch them become confident entrepreneurs in 28 days or less!Get it today for 51% off & 2 free bonuses.

For parents with kids aged 6-12, grab your copy


Calling In The AI Team to Bulldozer Your Business Through 2024

“In 1972 a crack unit of AI machines was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These machines promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the AI-Team!”

*Grabs Giant Cigar in Mouth* “So, You Want the AI Soldiers In Your Camp?…”

Ok, this is how it works…

AI doesn’t create new information. It works with the information and guidance it’s given. This is why all AI tools need a human to feed them quality data to work with.

Remember: good input + clear context = good output.

And it’s also why the roles listed below aren’t new.

AI machines aren’t ready to replace humans in these roles just yet. They’re going to be our super assistants that scale our output.


Editors & Fact Checkers

Content editors will be needed for all content production, from SEO to social.

At the very least, all content teams need to have someone acting as an editor for the writing voice, legibility, and formatting. The best person for this role is usually the content creator, as they’ll do the prompting that leads to the final output.

🤖 Editing Hack!: have AI produce baseline content while your team conducts interviews, finds experts, and adds more substance to the content.


Researchers and Data Scientists

Individualization is quickly becoming the new personalization in marketing.

In 2024, you’re going to see hyper-targeted content from performance campaigns, emails, and even blog posts that will be tailored to individual visitors.

To be a forerunner, allocate some of your team’s time to collecting and managing customer and user data for individualization.

Your tracking and conversion data can also be used to inform AI how to optimize and scale campaigns to maximize their profitability.

⚠️ But beware!: use this data carefully so you don’t get punished by regulators. Keep reading to learn more.


Campaign Managers

With more content in your arsenal, you’ll need strategists who know how to repackage ideas for distribution.

Create a campaign manager role. Their job will be to develop content repurposing and reposting strategies to squeeze all of the juice out of every piece of content you produce.

AI can help in this role by producing the content assets at scale. And it can create new angles of high-performing content to build on successful campaigns.

Team roles established. Let’s set some standards of practice to keep everyone aligned and functioning cohesively.

“You Messed Up. Now I Gotta Mess You Up. It’s The Law!”

The key areas where things can go horribly wrong or terrifically right with AI are in:

1. Security

2. Brand Image

3. Productivity

Setting some protocols for your team to follow in these areas should lead you in the “terrifically right” direction.


1. Security & Privacy

Protecting customer information needs to be priority numero uno at all times.

Remember that if you feed information into a publicly available AI tool like ChatGPT, you can be wide open to breaching data protection laws. Especially when it comes to individualizing content and user experiences.

To keep compliant, learn the regulations around the data you want to use and how you’re going to use it. Create company-wide policies to help prevent data from being misused illegally.


2. Brand Image

AI isn’t yet strong enough to produce content that’s on brand. It’s hard enough for humans to!

So your best bet is to use AI to write baseline content that’s matched to your brand’s core values. Then have a highly-skilled writer inject your brand’s voice into the content during editing.

🔧 Top tool!: the Verbatim Voice Tool can grade the voice of your writing to help your writers and AI produce content that’s on brand.


3. Productivity

You’ll use AI differently in each of your departments or areas of operations. Making department-level standard operating procedures for using AI will be the best way to keep production moving like a Ford factory throughout your entire company.

Your managing editor can work with the teams to oversee company productivity overall. And they can work with each role or department to improve procedures to make teams more productive.

“I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!”

As you can imagine, arming your business with AI will take a bit of planning and strategizing.

1 in 4 companies already have systems up and running, so the earlier you start the better!

The best thing to do first is get your team trained on AI while you build out your AI integration plan, regardless of whether you know how you intend to use it.

This way, your team’s good to go when you are.

And remember, AI always needs a human with it to keep its output compliant, on brand, and effective.

Go plant the seeds of AI-powered growth for 2024!

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from Jasper.AI.


Need an established B2B marketing channel that reaches CEOs & business leaders?

Lower Street’s research reveals that business leaders are regular podcast listeners. 40% of business leaders are daily listeners (and that rises to 55% among CEOs and founders). These findings highlight podcasting’s potential to engage top-tier executives, boosting brand awareness by 3.1x and favorability by 2.1x.

Trying to Be Like Someone Else You See On Social Media? You’re Not Alone

Social media is both a blessing and a curse. It shows you what’s possible in life, but it can make you feel inferior to those ahead of you… which makes you try to be like someone you’re not. The truth is, you’re not going to reach your potential by copying someone else. You need to discover your potential within you. The first step is to stop trying to “force” your life.

How to Become a “Black Swan” In Your Industry and Build A Legacy For Your Name

Just a few months ago, disruptive entrepreneur Marley Jaxx released a short video that was featured in two film festivals and won best social short film at the Manhattan Film Festival. It drove a ton of publicity and opened some high-level networking opportunities. She did what she calls a “Docustunt” that’s based on the video production techniques used by the likes of Mr. Beast and The Kardashians, without Hollywood-level production crews and budget.

If You’re Still Not Convinced AI Can Empower Marketers, Listen to This

The AI Marketing Institute is where many marketers turn to for all things AI. It’s found that AI reduces expenses by making data-driven tasks more efficient and predictive, and by automating repetitive tasks. AI increases revenue with scaled content production, that doesn’t replace marketers. It in fact empowers them to become irreplaceable by producing unique, authoritative content at a massive scale.

Why You’re Underappreciated for Your Marketing Efforts (and How AI Can Help)

The 20th-century marketing pioneer John Wanamaker is famous for saying “I know that half my marketing is working. I just don’t know which half.” Fast forward to 2023, we have machines that can tell us the other half, but marketers are still underappreciated. There are a few ways AI can help you get the recognition you deserve: by collecting customer buying data, sending customers and prospects the right messages at the right time for the best experience and max conversions, reducing time on repetitive tasks, and improving data quality.


Imagine if you could skyrocket your income without piling more onto your already busy schedule.

Laura Wieck is a 7 Figure Coach and author of The BodyMind Method. In this free training, she teaches:

  • How to 10x your income without adding more to your schedule

  • The three areas of your business where income is hiding and how to find it

  • The #1 thing that improves client results and creates raving fans

  • How to always know your best marketing strategy that’s fully aligned for you


Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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