Create 90% of a lead-magnetizing book in 90 mins

Create 90% of a lead-magnetizing book in 90 mins


Happy holidays! 🎉

Imagine it’s Christmas day for your ideal client. They tear open a present to reveal a book published by YOU.

Sound too far fetched?


Happy holidays! 🎉

Imagine it’s Christmas day for your ideal client. They tear open a present to reveal a book published by YOU.

Sound too far fetched?

When you consider your relationship to your ideal client, the idea that they’d be delighted to have your book actually makes sense.

You see, to your ideal client, you’re an expert who can transform their life.

And if you think publishing a book is too big a task, the truth is you don’t need to be a skilled writer. You don’t need to lock yourself away for months. You don’t even need to write.

In fact, you can produce 90% of a book that attracts and pulls your ideal clients into your world in just 90 minutes, without writing a single word of its content.

Ready to become an author?

Let’s Deep Dive ⬇


Which Of These 5 Errors In Your Contract Are Getting You Bad Clients?

A business coach was once onboarding a coaching client who refused to sign the contract. The client didn’t want her to be able to exit the coaching relationship.

Thankfully the coach’s contract stopped this doomed client relationship before it began.

Contracts aren’t just legal protection. They’re a client filter.

If your contract has one or more of these common errors, then it could be letting bad clients slip through:

  • It fails to specify the common reasons why a client wants a refund
  • Your refund policy isn’t clear whether requirements have been met
  • Your contract doesn’t specify how written materials can be used
  • Your refund policy is not black and white
  • Your contract is difficult or expensive to enforce

With the right legal agreements in place upfront, you can avoid working with clients who cause you stress. While allowing you to work with only the best clients.



How To Create 90% Of A Lead-Magnetizing Book In 90 Minutes

This process is from Dean Jackson’s “90-Minute Book” system (he calls it a 90-minute book, but to actually create and publish the book takes longer than 90 mins. So we call it “90% of a book”).

As the author, not the writer, of your book, you just need an idea and a book outline.

You can outsource the rest.

And, by the way, you can produce a book using this system in any industry. Whether you want to attract leads for your agency, onboard more coaching clients, or get more customers for your DTC business — it works anywhere, any way.

The first step is to discover your book idea.

Your Lead-Attracting Message

Start with the end in mind by answering this question:

What outcome do you help your clients achieve?… That one most-desirable outcome for your best type of client.

Your book will be designed around this promise. From the title and cover, to the blurb and content.

With a specific promise, your book will attract a high volume of highly-valuable leads.

The next step is to come up with an eyeball-grabbing title that makes your prospects instantly grab your book without thinking.

How To Get Your Book Picked Up By Leads

A book’s cover and title captures 80% of its readers.

To get attention, your title should make your promise clearly and succinctly.

There are 2 best ways to do this:

  1. Moving your prospect through a change: “Stop your divorce” or “Surviving retirement”
  2. How to: “How to remortgage your home” or “How to start a business”

Tap into what your audience is hungry for. Like this consultant for accounting firm owners did 👇

Example 90-minute book for accounting firm owners.

The title highlights a strong pain for Brannon’s target audience. And because it’s for a small niche, he can be the big fish in a small pond.

Once your prospect has opened your book, they do one more thing before they read it.

How To Get Your Book Opened & Read

With your book in their hand, your lead will then flip it over to the back cover to read about what’s inside.

In your blurb, you want to expand on the title. Think of it as the closing statement of your promise.

The blurb for “The Unplugged Vacation” offers this insight to the book contents:

Wouldn’t it feel great to know you have systems in place that work for you, instead of you working for them?

The reader now knows they’re going to learn how to build systems that run their business for them.

Your back page should also outline the next steps for your lead to become your client.

So for your blurb, ask yourself, “What do I want my lead to do after they’ve read my book?”

Once they’re in, you take them through the journey of becoming your client (this is the 90-minute production part.)

How To Create 45% Of Your Book In 30 Minutes

The best way to produce your book is with speed.

Try to create a content outline in 30 minutes.

This time limit forces you to keep your book simple. It also prevents you from spending a ton of time on a book your audience might not take to.

Think about the mental journey your prospect goes through when becoming your client.

The content should answer these questions:

  • What does your prospect know about your service?
  • What do they not know?
  • What do they need to know to become your client?
  • What objections do they have about your service?
  • What objections might they have about you?

Keep this high level. Because you’re not going to write the content.

Instead, you’re going to record an interview of yourself talking through this outline.

How To Create 45% Of Your Book In 60 Minutes

When you record your interview, imagine you’re a guest on a radio show and everybody listening is your ideal client.

What would you say within that one hour that will prepare their minds for the offer you’re going to make at the end of the presentation?…

This is your, “Here’s what to do next to get started with me.”

The interview transcription becomes a structured written form of your idea.

With your transcript, title and back cover, you have 90% of your book completed.

The rest can be outsourced.

Outsource The Remaining 10%

To get your book published, you just need to outsource the following tasks:

  • Edit your transcript
  • Design the cover
  • Format the content
  • Have it printed

By following this process, you can have your own book in print before Q2 2024.

And it’ll be worth the small amount of effort.

Books draw leads towards you, instead of you having to outreach and pitch.

Having your name on the front cover of a book positions you as an authority. In the same way an officer’s uniform, doctor’s lab coat or judge’s gavel does.

So can you now imagine your ideal client opening your book as a Christmas present?

Maybe if you cut a deal with the man in the big red coat, he can get you in for next year 🙂

Happy holidays!


How This Entrepreneur Went From $1m in Debt to $10m in Net Worth

Learn the unconventional “wealth secrets” learned from making millions, losing millions, and making it all back again (and more!). Avoid the mistakes and leverage the points of success that can transform your net worth. Learn more

How To Create 10 Eye-Catching Product Names With 1 ChatGPT Prompt

Start with context, “I am _____ selling [PRODUCT].” Then set the goal, “Generate 10 [TYPE OF] product names for [PRODUCT] targeting [AUDIENCE].” And finish with specifics, “Make the names [DESCRIPTION].” Provide an explanation for each name and why they’ll be effective. This context, goal, specificity (CGS) template gets your prompts right the first time, every time, and it has many other use cases. Learn more


Discounting For A Quick Buck? There’s A Better Way

Your best customers are happy to pay. Limit discounts to twice per year and do steep discounts. This brings more income, affiliates can join promotions, and you get more customers. Learn more.

Have A Strong Sales Email? 18X It

Copy your email content into a landing page. Then send a short SMS linking to the page to your SMS list. In tests using this strategy, SMS outperformed email by 18X. Learn more.

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