Harness Neil Patel’s Growth Secrets


Neil Patel has an impressive track record of success in digital marketing.



Neil Patel has an impressive track record of success in digital marketing.

You may have have used some of the products he has helped bring to the world like Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, HelloBar, and Ubersuggest.

And if you’ve ever Googled any question related to a facet of online marketing, there’s a near guarantee that a piece of Neil’s content was one of the top results.  

Want to know the secrets behind how Neil has been able to build multiple successful companies & consistently create content that drives more awareness, leads, and customers to those businesses? 

Today, we’re breaking down his approach so that you can use it to improve your own results.

Let’s dive in ⬇️


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Part 1:
The Power of Analytics

Neil Patel is a master at using data to drive marketing success. All of his success has been based on his ability to extract valuable insights from data.

He isn’t out here making guesses—he lets market data guide his decisions. 

Neil first understands the overall realities, dynamics, and gaps in the market. Once the initial thesis is built, he is then capturing as much data as possible to see if what he is offering is hitting the mark.

The most effective analysis goes beyond the quantitative data that states the number of visitors, the bounce rate, the conversion rate, etc to also analyze user behavior.

There are some great paid products that will give you insight into user behavior like Crazy Egg, Hotjar, Mouseflow, and more. If you’re just getting started with this kind of analysis and want a free option, Clarity by Microsoft is a solid option.

It is important to know which pages on your site have the highest bounce rates but it is just as important to be able to see exactly how far down the page users get before deciding to bounce.

Pro Tip: 
Averages lies. The context that users have when they land on your site can have a significant impact on how they behave. 

Look for differences between device types, traffic sources, geographical region, gender, and more to gain nuanced insight into how you can improve your messaging to key customer segments.


Part 2:
Leverage The “800 Pound Gorilla” Of The Web

As much as other companies and platforms try to wrest away global “traffic share”….

…Google is still the biggest player in the traffic game in 2024, referring almost 9x more traffic than the #2 player. 

The realization that search engines have the potential to not just drive the most traffic but also some of the most relevant traffic to a site was what led Neil Patel to want to master the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Between the above pie chart and the below table we can estimate that over 25% of all referred traffic online goes to the sites that occupy the #1 organic ranked result for Google searches.

In fact, the #7 organic ranked result will get more clicks than the #1 ranked ad result.

Neil followed a couple of key strategies to amass ever increasing amounts of traffic to his sites to feed into his data analysis (which accelerates learnings that help generate more value from the traffic).

(1) Start with the “long-tail” and work backwards from there

There is more traffic to be had with “short-tail” keywords but there is also more competition and lower levels of relevance. 

If your website currently doesn’t rank well for any keywords, it is a tough road to go straight for the most competitive keywords in your market. 

Start instead with some less competitive search terms that are hyper relevant to precisely the kinds of customers you want. 

Keyword research tools will reveal the hidden secrets of what people are searching for and how much competition there is to rank for various keywords.

(2) Utilize the ‘Skyscraper Strategy’ 

When it comes to reaching the top of the SERPs for your ideal keywords, the bar has been set for you.

There are no secrets as to who is showing up in the top spots in the search engines & there are plenty of tools out there that will give you an analysis of the ‘on page’ as well as the ‘off page’ factors that determine the SEO results of a given site or page.  

The page that ranks #1 is essentially the “tallest skyscraper” in the skyline for that given keyword. 

If you want that spot, you need to build a taller & stronger skyscraper to earn the spot that is currently occupied by someone else. 

Study what the top results are doing well and then ask yourself what is missing or how the page could be even more useful or relevant.

Take a look at one of Neil’s popular blog articles. Don’t look at it for the content but rather the structure of the page and the elements used. It has multiple YouTube videos embedded (which Google loves) as well as images, a Table of Contents, a summary, and a FAQ to be able to target more potential “long-tail” searches.

This page nails many of the ‘on page SEO’ factors that search algorithms take into account in 2024. 

For lower competition keywords, you might only need to build a modest structure to get to #1. For the highest competition keywords, you may need to be committed to a multi-year development project just to crack the top 10. 

Be realistic about the resources you have available at the moment and where it is worth it for you to begin building right now.

As you build up your site to rank for lower competition keywords, you will build domain authority.

As you analyze user behavior, you will improve on key site performance metrics.

As you better serve your market, you will naturally accrue more backlinks and social signals to your site.

Over time these factors will allow you to reasonably contend for the highest competition keywords.

No doubt, it is a long term strategy and one that requires work. But if you want to tap into the lion’s share of referred traffic online, these are the stakes.

The rewards are worth it as there are few other avenues to earn continued long-term visibility to people who are looking for the information and solutions that you provide.


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