How To Get Your Messages to Land, Resonate, & Convert


There is a lot of noise out there in the market these days. 



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Part 1:
Align The Message Across All Teams

There is a good chance that there are multiple different people on your marketing team. 

One person might manage your business’ social profiles person while another manages the emails sent to your list while yet another creates manages your ads. 

And all these people who do the “digital ground work” to send out messages to the market might not be the same people who built the webpages, manage press inquiries, and who create the overall marketing strategy. 

Any lack in alignment internally amongst these team members turns into confusion externally in the market.

Consistent messaging across all channels is key to ensure that your audience receives clear & cohesive messages about your brand’s values and offerings.

Here are a few ways to help unsure everyone on the team is aligned:

(1) A Regular Meeting Cadence

Even if specific teams meet on their own already, there should be a recurring meeting for everyone involved with marketing the business. The meeting time can be used to reinforce the latest messaging, discuss ongoing projects, upcoming campaigns, & any potential opportunities for collaboration.

(2) Use Shared Calendars 

A shared calendar can help everyone involved to keep track of important dates and deadlines for marketing activities. Events on the calendar can include important links, contact info for leaders of the initiative, and a messaging primer to keep everyone on the same page.

(3) Create Clear Brand Guidelines 

A truly comprehensive brand guideline doc includes tone of voice, visual identity, & messaging frameworks. Make the doc accessible to all teams.

(4) Integrate Your Campaign Planning 

When planning a campaign, involve all relevant teams from the outset. For example, a product launch could benefit from a press outreach campaign by the PR team plus a targeted ad campaign by the paid marketing team.

Integrated planning allows for shared buy in and clear ways to measure success on both team specific as well as shared objectives.


Part 2:
Boost Brand Visibility Through Coordinated Campaigns

Most businesses invest heavily into their marketing operation but the effort is too scattered to have a concentrated impact. 

They would be better off doing less but ensuring that everything they did built on top of all the other efforts. 

Without coordination, the message gets diluted. Good work gets underutilized. Departments get frustrated with each other on a regular basis. 

With coordination, a campaign can build on itself like in this example for supporting a new product launch:

(1) Secure Media Coverage

The press and public relations team pitches stories to relevant media outlets to get trusted sources to cover the launch.

(2) Amplify The Media Coverage

The PR team keeps the organic and paid marketing teams in the loop of all coverage for video clips and screenshots to be used on social media, in emails, and in ads to demonstrate there is growing momentum, excitement, and attention around the new product.

(3) Recruit Influencers To Hop On The Trend

Armed with proof of traditional media and social media paying attention to the product, it becomes easier for creators and influencers to say yes to promoting the product as well. This is true because they have more trust that the product is worth sharing with their audience and because content templates exist for how they can discuss & showcase the product.

(4) Leverage Influencer & User Generated Content

Each piece of content created can be leveraged and repurposed across multiple marketing channels to ensure maximum reach and establish credibility through showing a high volume of individuals saying positive things about the product. 

(5) Secure Further Media Coverage & Partnerships

Have the PR team hooked into what happens with influencers, with social media, and with user generated content as the campaign continues. There will likely be secondary waves of newsworthy developments, innovations, or collaborations that can catch the attention of more media outlets, partner businesses, or influencers. 

When everyone is on the same page and thinking about how their department can contribute to the success of a holistic, integrated campaign — amazing results are likely to follow.


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