$6,831 in a day from just 2 emails


Wasting budget and effort on prospects that don’t convert is the ultimate rejection for marketers

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Wasting budget and effort on prospects that don’t convert is the ultimate rejection for marketers.

Well, what if 93% of your lost prospects actually wanted your offer, but they just needed a final nudge to make the purchase?

Web consultant and business coach, Jennie Lakenan found this when she dared to follow up with prospects who abandoned checkout for her course.

With just 2 follow-up emails she converted 93% of the checkout abandoners which made $6,831 in a day.

In today’s Deep Dive, we break down the “rejection reversal” formula in those emails, so you can quickly 93/7 your campaign returns from the customers you thought you’d lost forever.

Let’s dive in!


Unlock AI Marketing Secrets: Get Ahead, Not Left Behind!

Overwhelmed by the rapid advancements in marketing since AI has been unleashed on us all? 

You’re not alone. It’s like trying to drink from a firehose – thrilling yet daunting.

Don’t be the marketer left in the dust…..

Get the inside scoop straight from the desks of the world’s best.

With Bionic Marketing, discover stuff like:

  • ChatGPT Mastery: How top-tier copywriters create winning headlines.

  • Grant Cardone’s Magic: The AI behind his captivating email hooks.

  • Limitless Content: Craft endless video content from a single session.

  • AI Imagery: Turbo-charge marketing with AI-generated visuals.

  • Podcast Perfection: Streamline your production seamlessly.

  • The AI ‘Elephant’: Never forget a page, website or piece of content ever again 


DEEP DIVE – Rotating Section

Convert 93% of Checkout Abandoners in a Day With These 2 “Rejection Reversal” Emails

Jennie Lakenan has made herself at home in her own small and cozy niche.

For coaches, building a website is a burden. So Jennie makes it easy for them. Her USP is she helps coaches get a simple website up quickly and easily so their ideal clients can find them.

The simplicity in her offer is consistent throughout her branding and her sales messaging, as we’ll see when we go through her emails.

The Offer:

  • Web design course that teaches coaches how to build a simple website quickly and easily ($297)

The Audience (Hot🌞):

  • Due to the high conversion rate and small audience size—just 28 people—the prospects likely already knew Jennie. They probably found her website via a personal meeting or after seeing a piece of her content like a podcast episode

📩 Email 1 (sent 1 hour after abandonment)

Say you noticed them


I noticed that you clicked away without finishing the checkout process for Website Kit for Coaches, my course teaching new coaches how to create their own simple website to attract their first clients.”

What this does:

  • Creates a personal connection

  • Reminds them of the offer and its benefits

  • Sets context for the rest of the email

Let them know you have genuine concern for their problems

“I understand that getting your coaching business off the ground is no small task.

I want to help make the process as easy as possible for you.

That’s why I created this course.”

What this does:

  • Shows you understand their problem

  • Shows you’re here to help

  • Positions your course as their solution

Make your offer clear and desirable

“It’s a short but powerful program that will help you create a website you can be proud of quickly and easily.

In just 7 snappy modules, you’ll learn everything you need to know to set up a simple website to market your coaching business.”

What this does:

  • Paints a picture of the outcome

  • Future paces them using your solution

  • Makes your offer easy to buy

Tell them why they should trust you

“Plus, as a certified coach myself, I know exactly how to guide you through the process so you don’t get stuck.

I just used this kit and set up a new website in two days. Super easy, super thorough directions, and not so much info that it overwhelms you. – Kim Job, Systems & Soul Stories Coach”

What this does:

  • Makes the reader “trust fall” into your arms

  • Overcomes the “what if I need support?” objection

  • Has your customers sell your offer for you

  • Highlights the biggest selling point of your offer

Ask for the sale

“Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take the first step in your website design journey.

Click here to finish your purchase and get started today!

Always here,

Jennie Lakenan”

What this does:

  • Gives the reader a clear next step

  • Shows the prospect you’re by their side

📩 Email 2 (sent 1 day after abandonment)

Remind them of what they’ve abandoned


I hope you’re doing well!

I noticed that you clicked away from my website without completing the checkout process for Website Kit for Coaches.

You know, my course teaches new coaches how to create their own simple website to attract their first clients.”

What this does:

  • Creates a personal connection

  • Reminds them of the offer

  • Provides extra context for the rest of the email

Make your offer desirable

“This course will help you create a website you can be proud of quickly and easily.

In just 7 snappy modules, you’ll learn everything you need to know to set up a simple website to market your coaching business.”

What this does:

  • Paints a picture of the desired outcome

  • Emphasizes the ease of getting the outcome

Take away the risk

“Plus, as a certified coach myself, I’m here to help you every step of the way.

And because I’m so confident in the value of this course, I’m offering a satisfaction guarantee.

If you watch the entire course, ask for help in the community, and you’re still not able to successfully finish your site, I’ll give you your money back.

No questions asked.”

What this does:

  • Lets the prospect know you’re just like them and are here to support

  • Takes away the risk of the prospect not getting the outcome

Ask for the sale

“Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take the first step in your website design journey.

Click here to finish your purchase and get started today!

All the best,

Jennie Lakenan”


What this does:

  • Gives the prospect a next step

As you can see, there isn’t much difference between the two emails. 

But subtle persuasion elements like customer testimonials and satisfaction guarantees can easily overcome objections that would have otherwise lost you the sale.

How to 93/7 Your Returns From Your Sales Funnel In a Day

Try this template for the 1-hour follow up email:

  1. Personal “I noticed you” introduction

  2. Show you understand their problem and say that’s why you created your offer

  3. Explain your offer concisely with its biggest selling points

  4. Remove the friction by saying how easy it is to get the desired outcome

  5. Show them why they should trust you as someone who “is just like” them

  6. Include a testimonial that highlights your offer’s biggest selling point

  7. Ask for the sale.

And try this for the 1-day follow up email:

  1. Personal “I noticed you” introduction

  2. Reminder of what your offer is

  3. Explain your offer concisely with its biggest selling points

  4. Remove the friction by saying how easy it is to get the desired outcome

  5. Show support and take away the risk

  6. Ask for the sale

You can use these templates as a start then test and iterate with other persuasion tactics like achievements and awards to show authority, price comparisons to show value, and time limits to create scarcity.

🔑 The key to Jennie’s success


Make your USP the core of your sales message. Focus on your offer’s biggest selling point.

Try not to barf loads of disconnected sales messages onto your email like an unprepared school kid trying to answer a difficult exam question.

Keep it simple, pimple.

Inspiration for today’s Deep Dive from Marketing Sherpa


How to Use Meta AI to Save Time Managing Ad Campaigns

Meta’s Automated Rules run your day-to-day campaign management, if you know how to set them up. One way is to set your custom rules, e.g. CPA caps. Another is to reduce auction overlap to avoid competing against yourself. And another is to optimize ad creative for conversions. When you have these rules running you can save time on minor tweaking and focus on bigger-picture growth.

How to Capture Cart Abandoners Using GA4 Data

GA4’s feature, Exploration-based Audiences, allows you to create an audience for any action your visitors take. The neat thing is you can create “abandonment audiences” based on users who left during certain steps in a sales process (e.g., filling out a form or abandoning a cart).

Why Limit Your Site’s Income to Just One Revenue Source When You Can Earn from Display Ads Passively?

Ezoic uses machine learning to display ads on your site without disrupting user experience, so you can have a backup source of passive income. On average, sites see up to 250% revenue growth. First 30 days are free. No credit card. No contract. Tap this link to test it out on your site.

Hypnotherapists’ Secrets to Tapping Into Your Full Success Potential

Imagine if you could have a hypnotherapist teach you how to access your optimal self. That’s what Abi Levine has done for startups (as low as $5K a month) to get them to over $1BN in just 3 years. She calls this process of finding your “Alpha Map”. And she’s revealed a way for anybody to tap into their optimal success potential.

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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