The SEO game has changed (here’s how to play)


Ok, so Google’s August update which rocked sites by 20-80% and its latest SGE integration has got everybody who’s reliant on Google traffic shivering in their boots. 

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Ok, so Google’s August update which rocked sites by 20-80% and its latest SGE integration has got everybody who’s reliant on Google traffic shivering in their boots. 

But before you go watch “SEO is dead!” videos on YouTube while plunging your hands into a big tub of double-choc brownie ice cream, try some cool-headed, “modern” content marketing Ju Jitsu instead.

In today’s Deep Dive we run through the secret way to modernize your content marketing game in 3 simple steps* to discover your “content-market” sweet spot for maximum reach protected against Google.

*Spoiler alert: you don’t share your content.

Let’s dive in!


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Finding Your Content-Market “Sweet Spot”

You might think the illustration above is a rude marketing inuendo (maybe it is, maybe it isn’t), but it’s also (oops, the secret’s out!) a blueprint for content marketing success for the years after AI’s impact on search.

Here’s what to tell your friends about playing the new SEO game 💡👇

Content marketing is so much more than SEO. In fact, there are two powerful elements your content usually lacks when you only do SEO:

  1. Audience desires: from their demographics and trending conversations

  2. Your unique POV: from your values and opinion on trending conversations

When you infuse these two elements in with high-volume keyword targeting, you hit your “content-market” sweet spot where your content can reach infinite potential.

Read on if you’d like to adapt to the new SEO by modernizing your content marketing game…

Your content marketing strategy before and after AI

Let’s compare the old style of content marketing with the new:

🚎 Classic content marketing

This is where you optimize your blog posts or YouTube videos for SEO to drive search traffic.

🏎️ Modern content marketing

This is where you post about the ideas and concepts behind your content via social media for: 

📈 Audience growth

📈 Engagement

📈 Impressions

📈 Awareness

📈 Affinity

📈 Reach

The content’s goal is to satisfy an audience need, usually by answering a pressing question about a topic.

So rather than sharing your content (like a blog post) on social media, you post your POV on the content topic and invite your audience to share their opinionswithout linking to your content.

The social post is the content.

This strategy is great for getting:

✅ Valuable info for your content

✅ More reach and impressions

✅ Safety from Google updates

✅ Live audience engagement

🦁 Example in the wild

Newsletter expert Matt Ragland has nailed it with this Tweet.

🎯 The topic is top of mind for Matt’s target audience of online entrepreneurs and marketers

🎯 He’s provided his POV

🎯 And he’s asked a question that many in his audience are asking, which invites the audience to engage

This Tweet positions Matt as an authority, it’s sharable (as you can see, the founder of Convertkit, Nathan Barry reposted it to his audience of 119.2K), and gives his personal brand reach beyond Google. 

But just like with any marketing strategy, modern content marketing isn’t without its limitations.

❓Limitations of modern content marketing

The biggest limitation is that you’re still at the mercy of algorithms; only now its on social media.

Another limitation is this strategy is more subjective than objective. Keyword dats is clear; either people are searching for it, or they’re not. But targeting topics that matter to your audience is a bit harder to pin down.

Having said that, if you can do it and hit that content-market sweet spot, you can really up your content marketing game.

Let’s run through how.

Step 1: Research your audience

The goal with audience research is to discover what’s top of mind for them right now.

Best place to discover the hot-goss topics is on social media. See what big personalities in your space who share the same audience as you are posting about. Read the comments to see how people feel and think about it.

*Pro tip:you can judge how hot a topic is by the number of comments about it. And the questions people ask about the topic tells you what’s important to them.

Step 2: Define your POV

Your POV comes from your values. These will dictate what aspect of the topic you talk about and how.

It also comes from your topical authority, i.e. what you know a lot about.

Step 3: Distribute your content

The following questions should help you narrow in on your distribution strategy:

💡Who do I need this content to reach?

💡Where is this audience?

💡How can I reach them? 

💡What would resonate?

💡Should I do a survey poll?

💡How do I design this post to achieve this content’s goal?

Having a solid social media game is key to the success of modern content marketing, but it isn’t the full picture.

Remember the third circle on the chart?..

High-volume keywords.

SEO isn’t dead, so targeting those keywords through classic marketing is still important. Only now with your arsenal of audience research and insights, you can infuse this ammo into your SEO content so it:

⚡ Satisfies your audience’s desires

⚡ Is highly relevent and sharable

⚡ Has your unique POV

To sum up:

Find the hot topics in your niche, put your POV on it, design sharable and engaging social posts, and use the audience feedback to fuel your SEO game.

Thank you for reading today’s Deep Dive! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


SEOs Have Been Talking About the Latest Google Algo Update…

Since the August Google update sites have been hit or boosted by between 20-80%. Semrush has reported “Very High” SERP volatility for almost the whole of August. SEOs have had mixed experiences: “Traffic has practically doubled in the past 48 hours.”, “Mine has halved!”, “The traffic the last 3 days has been ok and slightly up.

Google Ranking Dropped Dramatically? Here’s What to Check

See if it’s because of the update by checking the traffic drop with the exact date of the update. Also check which keywords have been hit with a year-over-year comparison; run a website crawl for technical checks; spy on your competitor’s rankings; check your links and content; and check the SERPs. If you’ve lost all traffic, then look at your Google Search Engine (SGE) console under “Manual Actions.”

Invite Reminder: Learn How to Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential In 2023

On September 18th until the 22nd the world’s best in online business are going to be sharing their ultimate business and marketing strategies for 2023, and you’re invited! They’ll cover the topics you need to know about in all areas of business, including hiring and scaling, email, social, and content marketing, sales, and accessing your inner potential. Click to see the schedule! *Sponsored

This website makes them $96,000 per year…*

When Nathan and Alexa bought a $4,500 website purchase, it was making around $200 per month. Today, they spend two weeks per year on it and it nets them $96,000 every year. Click the link above to watch the limited time masterclass on how they did it.



Use THIS To Create An “A-List” Brand & Magnetically Attract Your Ideal Clients

You don’t need paid ads to attract qualified leads to your business….

….and you don’t need a recording studio to create videos that will serve as highly effective marketing assets.

This free training shares the four steps you can take to turn the knowledge, processes, and results your business already has within it into a machine that generates new leads daily & makes your business famous in your market.


Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading today’s Growth Memo! We hope you enjoyed it.

See you in a few days!


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